School Blog

Science Boffins in Year 4

We had a fabulous visitor in school today. Science Boffins set the day off with a great assembly where we saw flames, Miss Harvey experimented on, elephant toothpaste and an invisible baby dragon. 

The day continued with an amazing workshop for Year 4, where we learnt about static electricity, how the film industry do stunts and we managed to make slime.

We ended the day with a rocket launch and we were amazed at how far it reached up in he air. 

A brilliant immersion into lots of different elements of science.

Science Week In Year 3

This year Science Week's theme is Growth. Today, Year 3 children planted some pepper, carrot, lettuce and tomato seeds. We also set up a spring onion growth investigation. It involved measuring (amount of water, lenght and circumference of the spring onions) and cutting. We put our spring onions in water and placed them outside. We will be observing them for the next 2 weeks and recording our finding. 

We aslo planted some cress seeds and placed them in different conditions to find out what seeds and plants need to grow. 

Keep checking our blog for updates on our plants. 

Welcome to Science Week in Year 4

Welcome to science week in Year 4. This week we will be finding out about digestion, planting broad beans for our school vegetable patch and learning about Jane Goddall. We have the Science Boffins in school on Tuesday, science fair and dress up as a scientist day on Friday too. Don't forget to join in with our school competition where you need to design a poster representing growth. Keep reading our blogs to see what we're up to in Year 4. 

Why DID the Anglo Saxons invade Britain?

Year 5 have got off to a great start with their new topic!  They used clues and sorting cards to discuss  reasons why the Anglo Saxons invaded Britain?  Were they pushed?  Or were they pulled? Year 5 used their investigative skills to come to a logical conclusion and to move on to their next question - just who were the Anglo Saxons?     Mrs Blomeley                     

Quick Cricket in Year 5!

Year 5 demonstrated their brilliant Quick Cricket skills in PE this week!  Last week they practised their batting, bowling and fielding skills - this week they put them to the test by playing inter team matches.  We have some amazing and exciting team players who show the utmost respect to their  classmates. Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 !

Well done to all our Award winners this week!  Headteacher's Awards, Good to be Green, Bronze, Silver and Dynamo Maths Certificates were all achieved by our brilliant class members!  Keep up the great work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Y6 Star of the week 11-3-22

Well done to our Stars of the week Brooke and Darcy.

Brooke has completed some inspiring work in English lessons recently and she is using a range of cohesive devices and grammatical techniques effectively. Well done!

Darcy is a fantastic role model in the class with her positivity, enthusiasm and superb attitude to learning. You are a joy to have in the class!

Cameron and Joshua won the God to be Green award this week for staying green and following the school values. Great attitudes boys!


Emotional resilience

This week in Year 6 Healthy Young Minds delivered a workshop to the class about emotional resilience. They talked about what mental health is and what we can do to look after our wellbeing and what we should do if we have any problems.

They used an idea of a 'calming hand' where the children drew around their hand and wrote on each digit: what they like about themselves; what they are proud of; what they are good at; how they show kindness; and their achievements. 

iMotion Movies

Year 4 have had lots of fun making iMotion movies with little Tudor figures today. Quite a few of them were wanting to chop off a few heads- how Tudor of them. 
