School Blog

Year 4 Superstars

Congratulations to Theo and Lucy for earning the class merits this week. Their Tudor Royal information is fabulous. Well done to Ella and Ruby too, for getting the Good to be Green pencils for being Ready, Respectful and Safe. Great work everyone. 


Today Broadbent Fold took part in the FA's campaign #letgirlsplay. We gave just the girls the opportunity to play football at break and lunch times today. The girls loved taking part and it was nice that some of the boys wanted to referee the game too. 

Stars of the week 4th March

Year 1 have worked so hard since they have returned from the holidays. 

A big well done to all one children who got their walk to school badge for February. 

Well done to Bella and Elwin who got their gold awards and to Olivia who got her silver award for getting lots of star points.

Xavier earnt the headteachers award for always using his manners and Alice got hersnfor super work in phonics!

Lily and Marshall were our good to be green winners for always being fantastic role models.

Well done everyone!

Litter Picking

Our year 5 pupils are helping keep our grounds safe and clear. Each week a group of helpful pupils help me make our school tidy. Thank you year 5! 

Reception MTP and Home Learning

Attached is a copy of our medium term plan for this half term.  Our topic is - Why is Africa so amazing and all about the Jungle.  

I have also attached a copy of the home learning grid for anyone self isolating or anyone wanting to do some additional learning.

Mrs K

Amazing Art

This week we've been practising our drawing skills. First we learnt how to use sketching pencils for shading to show shadows and create 3D effect. We practised drawing 3D shapes as well as scraws and bolts. Today we followed a tutorial to draw The Iron Man. We think you agree that our drawings look amazing!

Next week we will turn our drawings into animation. 

Year 3 Superstars

We have started this half term with lots of certificates. This morning in the assembly, Year 3 children received the Headteacher's Awards for fantastic work and outstanding behaviour. There were Good to be Green pencils given for staying in the green all week. Some children were also awarded their Bronze and Silver badges. What a great start to the new half term! 
