School Blog

Friday Awards

Big well done to our Year 3 award winners. Congratulations to the children who have received a Head Teacher's Award for immaculate manners and grood effort in writing. Well done to our Good to be Green Award winners for following the school values all week. We also had Handwriting Award to great improvement in handwriting and Vocabulary Ninja Chapion! Great work everybody! 

Y6 Star of the week 1-4-22

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week Ethan and Harrison who received a Headteacher's award today.

Ethan has written a formal letter of complaint using the subjunctive form effectively. Well done!

Harrison has flourised in maths this week and he loves algebra! I am so impressed with your enthusiasm Harrison.

Darcy (again) and Albert are our Good to be Green Award winners for following the school values all week.

Well done to Cameron for winning the Vocabulary Ninja Award- let's see more of this fantastic vocabulary in your writng now!

Y6 Street Dance

Year 6 have been learning a choreographed routine with our Dance Coach on Wednesdays. Their Street Dance is really progressing well. There is a lot of complicated armography in it and they all remember it so well. 

Marvellous Merits

Well done to our Year 4 winners this week. it's been a great week for everyone. Polly for her great scientific ideas and Ella for her role play characterisation, Luca and Holly for their continual respect, being ready and safe and for James, our handwriting champion and Luca, our Ninja vocab star. Well done Year 4. 

Perfect Polish

The rest of ththe class had the opportuning to zoom their friends in their Polish school. They loved asking questions and practising speaking Polish. What a fabulous time they had. 

Science and the Human Life Cycle!

In Year 5's work on the Human Life Cycle, they learnt about the importance of recording the growth of babies to ensure a healthy start to life. As part of their Science lesson, the class enjoyed measuring baby dolls to record their weight, length and head circumference on a growth chart., just like the one in the Personal Child Health Record (PCHR) or Red Book, which is issued by the NHS.  Excellent measuring skills Year 5! Mrs Blomeley




Broadbent Fold vs Bradley Green

The boys football team played against Bradley Green Primary Academy on Friday night. The boys had a fantastic game but unfortunately lost 4-0. Xander was player of the match for his energy and attempts at feeding the ball into other players to have shots at the goal. A special thank you to Daniel who volunteered to help the team last minute too. Well done to everyone who played, you did Broadbent Fold proud. 

Forest School Fun with Year 3

Year 3 have had fun in forest school playing the follow the leader game and having a go at safely making mini fires.  They have also been using clay, sticks and other natural resources to make their own creations.

The Terrible Tudors

Year 4 had a fabulous time being Queen Elizabeth 1 and Sir Francis Drake when they reinacted the attempted invasion of England by King Phillip II of Spain with his Spanish Armada. 

Tremendous Tudor Houses

Look at Year 4,s amazing homework projects where they had to make their Tudor house. They have done really well to capture the black and white mottle and daub, the over hanging upstairs and the leaded window. 
