School Blog

Tinkercad project

In Computing last half term, Year 6 learned how to use 3D modelling software 'Tinkercad'. They really enjoyed using this and picked up the skills very quickly. Their end task was to design a pencil pot with a list of given criteria. They had to accurately create shapes and add holes to them for the pencils to fit. They also added a personal design onto their pencil pots using various methods. I have chosen Tilly's design to make a 3D model of- she really worked hard on her design. In assembly today she received a (much smaller) prototype of her pencil pot.

Stars of the week 29th April

Year 1 have made a great start back after the Easter holidays. 

Scarlett earned the headteachers award for asking fantastic questions in our Geography lessons and Hollie got hers for putting 100% into her reading/phonics work. 

Reeva and Elwin won the good to be green pencils for being brilliant role models around school.

Scarlett got her gold award and Alfie, Alice and Ella got their silver awards for receiving lots of star points.

Keep up the hard work Year 1!

Friday Awards

Congratulations to our award winners this week. The children were awarded Headteacher's Certificates for fantastic writing and great work in computing. Well done to the children who received thier Good to be Green pencils for their behaviour. 


Well done to this weeks Head-teacher and Good to be Green awards! Thank you for putting in 100% effort into your work/behaviour. Keep it up!

Year 4 Superstars

A massive congratulations to Amelia and Nasir for gaining the head teacher awards today for Year 4. Well done also to Isabelle and Lexi for getting the Good to be Green pencils for being Ready, Respectful and Safe. A special mention went out to Sam in assembly today for the excellent presentation and editing of his work throughout all his books. A great first week back everyone. 

Nursery Home Learning Summer 1

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating please see the attached grid that will give you ideas for activities to complete at home or anyone wanting to do some additional learning. Please click on read more to access!

Please post all your fabulous work on seesaw, I cannot wait to see your fantastic work.

Take care,

Mrs Tennant

Summer 1

Welcome back Year 3, we are learning about life during WW2 and have arranged a school visit to Stockport Air Raid Shelter and Staircase House Museum.

We are reading Carrie's War and learning all about evacuees, writing diaries, looking a timelines and events that happened in the war.

At home, children have been asked to write their own diaries and share this with this the class. It would be great if children could make some recipes at home and share photos on Seesaw.

Year 4 Summer 1

Welcome back and I hope you all had a fabulous Easter holidays. I definitely did as my wedding and honeymoon were perfect. I hope you're looking forward to our new term. We're off travelling around the world locating rivers and mountains. We'll be delving into the formation and origin of river basins and mountains and even going onto a trip to Portland Basin where we'll get first hand experiences of a river system. It's going to be a fun filled half term and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Kind regards

Mrs Higham

Summer 1 Home Learning Menu

Here is the home learning menu for this half term linked to our topic Hot or Cold? 

Remember you can earn certificates for all your hard work with your home learning - Gold award = all 8 pieces of homework completed. Silver award = 6 pieces of homework completed, Bronze award = 4 pieces of homework completed

I cannot wait to see all the exciting things you produce. Don't forget to bring your homework into school or upload it to Seesaw.
