School Blog

Year 4 Super Stars

Fantastic work this week from Year 4. The class merits went to Ruby and Luca for fantastic enthusiasm in class. Whereas, the Good to be Green pencils went to Mia and Maisie for always being Ready, Respectful and Safe. Great work everyone. 

WW2- wonderful learning by Year 3

Year 3 have started learning all about WW2. Children have learnt a WW2 poem ready to perform in a school assembly. They have been reading and writing diaries including looking at Anne Frank's diary and reading a class novel Carrie's War.

The seeds planted during Science week have grown so they've been put into larger pots. Year 3 really are doing what people did during WW2 because we are growing our own vegetables including carrots, potatoes and also peas.

Jet Setters

Year 4 have been jet setting off around the world investigating rivers and mountains. Yesterday we had a class competition and Evie, Ruby, Nathan, Luca, Reiss and Lucy were our class champions as they were able to locate and identify the most mountain ranges around the world. Fabulous investigating folks.  

Amazing Art in Year 4

In our art sessions we have been using water colours to recreate Hokosai's painting of Mount Fuji. Have a look at some of our finished work, they are fabulous. 

Belated Happy Easter

Unfortunately due to post delays Easter cards from Poland arrived after Easter. We would like to thank our Polish friends for the cards. Year 4 children also made and posted cards,for their friends in Poland, that  were delivered recently. 

Reception MTP and Home Learning

Attached is a copy of our medium term plan for this half term.  Our topic is - Jack and the Beanstalk and Growing Plants

I have also attached a copy of the home learning grid for anyone self isolating or anyone wanting to do some additional learning.

Mrs K

Year 5 Topic Information for Summer Term 1

Our question this Half Term is "Would you be brave enough to sail around the world?"  Based on the amazing book by Michael Morpurgo, Kensuke's Kingdom, the children are hooked into the story when a mysterious box and contents arrive for them in class.....   Please see below the Medium Term Pland and the Home Learning Challenge Grid for this Half Term.   Mrs Blomeley

Marvellous Magic in Key Stage 2!

Mr Harrison, currently working as a Student Teacher in Year 5, has been passing on his skills as a Children's Entertainer to groups of children from Year 5 and 6 during Good to be Green time each Friday!  They are being taught how to create illusions, such as disappearing colour, and how to make sword balloons!  As you can see they are having great fun! Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's Dilemma!

Year 5 were excited, and a little confused, when a  mysterious parcel arrived through the post for them!  Amongst other things it contained a faded football, a variety of shells and pebbles, a cryptic message in a bottle and a letter from “Michael” asking for advice.  Year 5 have already discovered that the story is none other than Michael Morpurgo’s Kensuke’s Kingdom and they are waiting for the story to unfold to help them to solve Michael's dilemma!   Mrs Blomeley

Y6 Star of the week 29-4-22

Congratulations to Reuben and Tilly for winning Headteacher's Award in assembly today.

Reuben is always very hard working and produces work to the highest standard. I am really impressed with your focus and attitude in class.

Tilly created a fabulous design on the 3D modelling software Tinkercad- she will have her winning pencil pot printed using a 3D printer.

Harrison and Harley won the good to be green award for being ready, respectful and safe this week.

Congratulations to all of Year 6 for a wonderful first week back. 
