School Blog

Excellence in Year 4

Congratulations to Jake and Aoife for getting the Good to be Green pencils today- well done. The class certificates went to Holly for her fabulous hard work and Oliver, for his diligence in his work. Well done to all of Year 4 for their brilliant behaviour on our school trip this week too. 

Y6 Star of the week 20-5-22

Well done to our superstars this week Harley and Ava.

Harley enjoyed our invertebrate hunt yesterday and was able to use his classification key to identify animals.

Ava has produced some outstanding writing recently- especially her spokky narrative writing about a girl that turned into a doll.

Brooke and Sophie have won the Good to be Green Award today.

Well done!

Well done to this weeks Head-teacher and Good to be Green awards! Thank you for putting in 100% effort into your work/behaviour. Keep it up

Pupil Leaders greet the Civic Mayor of Tameside!

The Pupil Leaders had a very important job on Tuesday!  They had to greet The Civic Mayor of Tameside who was visiting Broadbent Fold to recognise Year 6's hard work to achieve their Arts Awards.  The certificates were handed to the Year 6 children in an assembly.  The Pupil Leaders did an amazing job, welcoming Madam Mayor nd Mr Consort into our school.  After the assembly, they visited all the classrooms and were very impressed!  They said our school has a lovely feel!  It is true!  Mrs Blomeley

Outdoor Learning Day in Year 5!

Year 5 spent their outdoor learning time today searching for materials for their Design & Technology project!  Their objective is to build a habitable structure, that is suitable to live on an island, whilst providing shade from the sun and protection from the wind and the rain!  The class are currently at the design stage but they're looking forward to building and testing their structures!   Mrs Blomeley

Passion Fruit Tasting in Year 5!

In Year 5's class text, Kensuke's Kingdom, the main character, Michael, has been trying some exotic fruits!  Today, Year 5 sampled some passion fruit!   This egg shaped, purple fruit  has a variety of benefits, including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, fibre and other nutrients!  Most children enjoyed it, even if it was a little tangy!  Mrs Blomeley

Cricket champions

Broadbent Fold had a fantastic afternoon at the cricket and we had lovely weather for a change too! In the first round we played Arlies Primary School winning the game 79-49. We then played Bradley Green Primary Academy and won 85-42 putting us in the final.

Nature walk

Today, we went on a nature walk to Gorse Hall as part of our topic 'Can you survive in the woods?' We explored the outdoors, listened to the animals, we met Mrs Hallam friendly dog and explored the different plants and habitats. We enjoyed being outdoors too! 

WW2 Outdoor Games

As part of outdoor classroom day Year 3 children played traditional games that would have been played during WW2.

What games do you recognise?

Which games do children still play today?

Our Y4 Rivers Trip

Year 4 set off today on our geography field trip to Portland Basin to discover the waterways. The children explored the differences between the River Tame and the Ashton canal and were fascinated to learn about the use of the canal and spot the differences between the two.  In the afternoon, the class took on a group challenge to design and make a waterwheel. These were amazing, The children were exceptionally well behaved and learnt so much; they made me very proud. 
