School Blog

Amazing Creative Islands!

As part of their topic “Would you be brave enough to sail around the world?” Year 5’s Creative Homework task was to design and make their own desert island!  Here are some of the islands which are all amazing.  We even had an island good enough to eat - it was made as a cake, and as you will see, the class really enjoyed this delicious creation! Some of our islands are on display in the Reception area – have a look if you are visiting school!  Mrs Blomeley


Summer 2 Home Learning Menu

Here is the home learning menu for this half term linked to our topic Tremendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home? 

Remember you can earn certificates for all your hard work with your home learning - Gold award = all 8 pieces of homework completed. Silver award = 6 pieces of homework completed, Bronze award = 4 pieces of homework completed

I cannot wait to see all the exciting things you produce. Don't forget to bring your homework into school or upload it to Seesaw.

Tremendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home?

This half term, our topic is called 'Tremendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home?' and focuses on how toys have changed since our grandparents were little to the current toys today. Pupils will take part in a toy workshop where they get to play with old toys and design and create their own moving toy. For more information about what we will be covering this half term, please see the MTP topic web below. 

Cheerleading competition

Broadbent Fold took part in a cheerleading competition in the pom category. Everyone had so much fun taking part and performing their routine infront of an audience. Well done to Summer who also represented the school in a dance off. It was fantastic to see everyone showing great sportsmanship cheering on all the other schools. Well done Broadbent Fold! 

Cricket champions

Our trophy was delivered that the fantastic Year 5 and 6 cricket team won. It's even too big to fit inside our trophy cabinet so is sat on top. Well done to everyone who competed, you made Broadbent Fold very proud! 

Year 4 Curriculum Documents

I do hope that you've had a fabulous break over the holidays and welcome to our final term in Year 4 and what a busy one it is. Please see attached the Medium Term Plan and the Home Learning Grid for the next six and a half week term. If you wish for your child to be kept busy this weekend or for them to get creative, please see the attached pyramid and sarcophagus making sheets. They are very welcome to bring these into school to go onto display. Just so you know, the children will be taking their times table test during the week of the 20th June.

Y6 Topic information Summer 2 2022

Our new topic is 'Why were the Mayans magnificent?'

I hope that you are enjoying your creative homework task creating a recipe using chocolate!! I can't wait to see what you have made. In Mayan times, cacao beans were used as currency and considered to be worth more than gold dust. The Mayans are also remembered for their advanced writing and number system; their temples- most famously the Chichen Itza temple; and their love of the ball game pok-ta-pok pictured above. 

Have a look at some of the exciting things we will explore in our topic attached. 

Can we save our Oceans?

This half term, year 2 will be exploring our topic question 'Can we save our Oceans?' We will be learning about the effects of plastic pollution on our oceans and the affacts of recycling. We will be taking a history trip to Formby beach where we will be exploring rock pool habitats / food chains (linked to science), we will be identify geographical features of the seaside and exploring how the seaside(s) have changed since the Victorian times. Keep up to date with our learning by keeping watch on our blog and Seesaw posts. 
