School Blog

Diversity Week

Welcome to School Diversity Week 2022!

This year, School Diversity Week is bigger than ever – thousands of primary and secondary schools are signed up to take part and celebrate, showing their pupils that being LGBT is something to be celebrated. From talking about diverse families and hearing from children's authors in our storytime series. We are delighted that Broadbent Fold are supporting young people across the UK. More information can be found: 

Rounders Competition

The Year 6's enjoyed taking part in a rounders competition this week against other schools in Tameside. They showed great progress throughout out the tournament and really developed their understanding of the rules and their teamwork. Well done to everyone who took part! 

Super Stars in Year 4

What an amazing first week back at school for Year 4. Certificates were earned by Nathan and Ella for a really focused week and Good to be Green pencils were awarded to Lucy and Sophia. A fantastic week, well done Year 4. 

Year 5 Topic Information for Summer Term 2

Our question this Half Term is "What makes South America a continent of contrasts?  Our class text is "Trash" by Andy Mulligan; a thought provoking and exciting fictional novel.   Please see below the Medium Term Plan and the Home Learning Challenge Grid for this final Half Term in Year 5.   Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park!

Year 5's visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park was AMAZING!  We saw so many animals, including wallabies, lemurs and monkeys as well as a majestic polar bear!  Wow!  During the classroom session, the teacher was impressed with their rainforest knowledge.  They also got to handle a huge snail, the cockroaches and a snake!  But our favourite part had to be the cute red panda, which was really how the whole idea of visiiting a zoo started.  Brilliant behaviour made the teachers extremely proud ! Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Perfect Polish

Year 4 have been so lucky this year to create firm links with a Polish school initiated by Miss Laitl. They had the chance today to have a final zoom lesson where they were asking the children about their favourite colours, foods and about their family members. They have loved receiving cards and messages from Poland and I know this relationship will continue to grow as they move up into Year 5. 

Exciting Egyptology

Our Egyptian topic started this week with so much enthusiasm. The children have all been so eager to find out about what and when the Ancient Egyptians were that we had to make sure they could identify with the modern world in Egypt today, as some children thought they still had pharoahs in Egypt and built pyramids. It's going to be a fun filled half term as we explore the subject more. 
