School Blog

Tameside Library Gadgeteers Summer reading challenge

Science is all around you!What do you love doing? Are you a brilliant baker? Or a mega music fan? Are you the tech wizard amongst your friends?Join the Gadgeteers for the Summer Reading Challenge to discover the amazing science and innovation behind the world around you, including some of your favourite things!Curious? Perfect!

Freddie Fit Fun

Year 5 used the different Freddie Fit exercise stations to keep fit this morning.  They all had lots of fun. Well done everyone!

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to the children who have received their Head Teacher's and Good to be Green awards today.  Keep up the hard work!

Year 3 Stars of the week

Congratulations to our stars of the week. These children received Head Teacher's Award, Good to be Green pencils, as well as Gold and Silver Awards. Well done! Keep it up

Head Teacher awards

Well done to the children this week who have recieved the Head Teachers award and Good to be Green awards. Keep up the fantastic work everybody! 

Amazing Awards in Year 4

What a fantastic week we have had. It's been a tough test week but the class have all been working ever so hard. A very well done to Mia and Lucy for getting the Head teacher certificates and Aoife and Luca for gaining the Good to be Green pencils. Macy, Ruby and Amelia gained their gold awards, Nasir and Ella earned their silver awards and Lucy is the first child in Year 4 to gain the Headteacher's award with over 250 star points. Brilliant work everyone.

Outdoor maths learning

Year 6 have enjoyed their maths lessons in the outside environment today.

We started with a treasure chest with varying questions revising measures.

Then we found and identified different types of angles. Can you spot any acute or obtuse angles in our photographs?

Finally we drew and measured angles using protractors in the playground.

Diversity Week 2022

Year 6 enjoyed discussing how we are all similar and different during Diversity Week. We read an extract from 'The secret sunshine project' in our guided reading sessions and discussed the issues that the characters were facing linked to their idenity. We found out about PRIDE and how it is celebrated across the world.

I love their PRIDE posters which we have displayed in the school hall. 

Brilliant Broad Beans

Summer has brought in one of her bumper broad beans from the seed that we planted and watch germinate in March. She has obviously taken really good care of it and nurtured it. Well done Summer, enjoy your crops. 
