School Blog

Sports' Day Year 3

It's been years since Sports' Day and parents have been able to watch Broadbent Fold's Sports' Day!

An exciting after enjoyed by everyone.

Children throughout school were put into teams representing countries.

The winners: 3rd Portugal, 2nd China and 1st Great Britain.

Thank you to all those involved.

Summer Fair

Thank you to everyone for joining us and supporting us on our summer fair. We had the good weather, great games, lovely food and plenty of fun. Thank you to the PTFA for their support too! We will share our total soon, but this will go to improving our libraries. 

Friday Awards

Congratulations to our awards winners this week. Head Teacher's certificates were awarded for fantastic writing and DT skills during our food technology sessions. Some children received Silver and Gold Awards. Well done to our Good to be Green raffle winners. Year 3 also received a trophe for brilliant work in PE with sports coach. Great work everybody!

This weeks super stars are...

Congratulations to the children who recieved this weeks Head-Teacher and Good to be Green awards! Well done everybody! Keep up the amazing work! Only 12 schools days until Summer!

Amazing Awards

Oh wow Year 4. I'm really impressed by the amount of head teacher awards Year 4 has achieved. Great job everyone. Well done also to Luca and Evie for being our food critics all week and to Faye and Ethan for gaining the Good to be Green pencils. Just brilliant. 

Super Soup Number 3

Today, our group had a difficult time with peeling and chopping sweet potato, onions, carrots and peppers but they succeeded. I can't wait for tasting time. 

Transition Y5 to Y6

I had a wonderful morning with my new, soon-to-be Year 6 class.

We read 'The Dot' and discussed resilience and building on what we can already do.

The children used their imaginations to think of the potential one black dot could have and designed some fabulous pieces of art- take a look at some of the photographs. 

We then had a tower-building challenge using only marshmellows and spaghetti. It was lovely to see so much teamwork and creativity.

I am very much looking forward to the year ahead Year 5 :)

Miss Harvey
