School Blog

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to all our award winners this week!  These include Sports Day certificates for the overall winners, Team GB and certificates for our Cricket team; Handwriting and Vocabulary Ninja Awards,;Headteacher's Awards; Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards and Good to be Green winners who have been Ready, Respectful and Safe!  You are all amazing!  Thank you!  Mrs Blomeley

Formby Beach Visit

Today we visited Formby Beach as part of our topic ‘Can we help save our Oceans?’ The children enjoyed having a picnic, relaxing, digging, playing football, frisbee and cricket. We went on a walk to find some Red Squirrels but unfortunately, our little legs didn’t get us there so we enjoyed a country walk around the National Trust park. We also enjoyed ice lolly’s courtesy of our PTFA, thank you! We had a lovely day out and all the fresh air has tired us out! Thank you to our parent helpers and staff who supported our visit! 

Amazing Awards

Wow Year 3 you are still working super hard. This week we've had Head Teacher's Awards for brilliant work in history and computing, Good to be Green pencils for following our school rule. Some children collected 170 star points and achieved Gold Awards. We also have a Handwriting Champion and Vocabulary Ninja. Well done! You make us proud.


Transition Workshop

2Boards and A Passion Theatre company 2boardsandapassion, touring theatre company, theatre in education, Mcr ( came in yesterday and led a drama workshop for year 6 about transition.

After a few warm up games, the children drafted ideas and role played the worst first day ever at high school. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong...badly! We had bus crashes, lie-ins, missing homework and bullying to name a few! Not to mention the teachers who just didn't care!

Y6 Awards

Well done to our stars of the week Maisie and Connor.

Maisie always has the biggest smile and she is a beautiful person inside and out. You have been a pleasure to have in the class.

Connor has worked so hard in our Active Body Active Mind sessions with Tameside Active. His archery skills were better than Robin Hood's!

Hannah and Roban again won the good to be green pencil for always following the school values.

Annabelle is our handwriitng winner and Brooke won the Vocabulary Ninja award.

Super Awards

A bumper pack of certificates were handed out today. Well done everyone who earned their Swimming awards, Head Teacher certificates, Handwriting, Vocab Ninja and Good to be Green pencils. Great work 

Cricket County Finals

Broadbent Fold did us proud in the cricket county finals. They worked well as a team and encouraged and supported each other.

Broadbent Fold vs Oxton St Saviours 61-115

Broadbent Fold vs The Dingle 68-72

Broadbent Fold vs Davenham 41-101

Broadbent Fold vs Mobberley 80-62. 

Fantastic bowling, batting and fielding everyone! Well done! 


Today in science, we enjoyed the warm weather by exploring large and small habitats. We used our school field (large habitat) to look for microhabitats and minibeasts that live there. The children created a bar chart to show which minibeasts they saw. We then share some of the different microhabitats we found on the school field. They found minibeasts under stones or rocks, between the grass, inside wooden logs, under and on leaves, in dark places like soil and in the flowers.

Year 5's "Taster Day" at Rayner Stephens!

What a brillliant day Year 5 had at Rayner Stephens!  They were invited to take part in a "Taster Day" where they did four different sessions.  They used table braces and saws in D&T to create their own designs and in Science they used the bunsen burners to explore the colours of different salts!  Using such equipment meant they had to be safe and sensible at all times.
