School Blog


This week we have started Yoga in PE. We have been learning how to: pose like a variety of Space creatures linked to our Space topic, control my breathing pattern, know the importance of quiet whilst performing yoga moves and warm up safely prior to exercise and sustain performance over a period of time. We had such good fun! 

Meet our librarians

Our new librarians are Mia, Lexi, Abigail, Evan, Sam H and Noah.

They will help to keep our library tidy and organised aswell as working with children across the school with their reading over the year. 

Y6 Sports Ambassadors

Our new sports ambassadors are Aaron, Boyd, Riley, Jack, Charley and Kasia. They will represent our school in sport with dedication and teamwork!

A special well done to all of year 6 for being chosen by the sports coach Mr Williams to win the trophy for their excellent attitudes in tag rugby.

Y6 Star of the week 9-9-22

Congratulations to Lexi and Dylan for being the first stars of the week in year 6.

Dylan is postive, hardworking and helpful- all with a huge smile on his face!

Lexi is already showing what a great role model she will be this year. She is ready for learning all of the time.

Our good to be green winners are Jenson and Charley for following the school values all week.

What a great start to our year! 

Hotseating in year 6

We have started our new topic 'How are we unique?' this week and we started our learning by trying to look at things from a character's perspective. After watching the clip 'Little freak' the children used hotseating to express the feelings of the characters in the story.

What fantastic actors we have in year 6! 

An excellent start!

Well done to the children who received the Head-Teacher and Good to be Green awards this week. All the children have made an excellent start to Year 2!  Well done everybody! Keep up the hard work

If you believe in yourself, you can do anything!

In PSHE this week, Year 2 have been exploring the book 'The Dot' By Peter H. Reynolds. We discussed the hidden meaning and decided that 'If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.' We all painted our own small dot using paint and then continued to make our dots bigger experimenting and mixing the colours together like Vashti from the story. We discussed that each dot was unique and different but 'together we are special. Our art work shows how our individual dots interlink and connect together making us all special to one and another. I am so proud of all the children this week.

Nursery Home Learning Autumn 1

Hello Nursery,

I have attached a copy of the home learning grid for anyone wanting to do some additional learning. Please post your amazing work on seesaw so we can share it.

Mrs Tennant
