School Blog

Making Millions in Year 5!

Year 5 enjoyed "making millions" literally in our Maths session today. Using digit cards, they had to make either the highest value or lowest value, winning a golden bean if they won.  The class enjoyed this practical challenge, which covered the Year 5 objective of  "Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1,000, 000. "  Brilliand Maths Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Pupil Voice - House Team prizes!

The Pupil Leadership team met this week to discuss prizes for the House team winners!  Our new system means that any star points children earn will be added to their group - Amber, Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald - whilst also still counting towards receiving a Bronze, Silver or Gold award.  This is encouraging a great team effort!  The Pupil Leaders shared this request with their classes and asked them to return the idea sheet by next Wednesday!  The Pupil Leaders will then share their ideas and pass on their favourites to Mrs Parker!  

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to all our winners in Year 5 this week!  Headteacher's Awards, Good to be Green awards and winners of our class Reading Poster competition!  Year 5 also managed to win this week's trophy from the Sports Coach!  I am proud of you all!  Mrs Blomeley 

Friday Awards

A massive well done to our Year 3 award winners this week. These children received Head Teacher's Award for their hard work, immaculate manners and Good to be Green Awards for following our school values. 

Tameside High School Open Evenings

Open Evening At Alder Community High School, Hyde 

Alder Community High School's open evening will be held on Thursday 29th September 2022  at 5.45pm.

There is no need to register you can just turn up. 

For contact details for the Alder Community High School see here. 

Open Evening At All Saints Catholic College, Dukinfield

All Saints Catholic College open evening will be held on  Wednesday 28th September 2022 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Well done!

Well done to the children who received this weeks Head-teacher and Good to be Green awards, they are truely well deserved! Well done to the Year 2 reading competition winners, thank you to those children that entered, your entries were great! Fantastic effort everybody! Well done to L who has achieved kick boxer of the month at his club! Great effort!

Y6 Star of the week 23-9-22

Congratulations to our Y6 Superstars Seth and Kasia.

Seth worked so hard on his mathematic homework this week and I so proud of him.

Kasia has set such a good example in her role as Head Girl- she is already doing so well at her role.

Alfie and Maycie won the Good to be Green Award for following our school values all week.

Our Reading Competition winners are Xander and Lexi who will have their posters displayed in the KS2 Library. 

Reading Competition

The KS2 Reading Ambassadors launched a competition for classes to design a poster encouraging reading for pleasure.

The Ambassadors met together to choose two winners from each class involved- this was a tough decision!

We chose our overall winner- Sam Sheppard from Year 5! Well done Sam!

All of the winning posters will be proudly displayed in the KS2 Library and they will also be sent to Tameside Libraries who will share them too.

Our winners are: Y2- Matilda H and Reeva Y3- Vincent and Chloe Y4- Hollie and Renie Y5- Mia and Sam Y6- Lexi and Xander.

Amazing Awards

Congratulations to Ava and Renee for gaining the head teachers awards this week. Jacob and Isla were awarded the Good to be Green pencils and Renee and Hollie won our reading poster competition. A brilliant week, well done Year 4.
