School Blog

Marvellous Mirrors

What a fun lesson we've had today experimenting with mirrors! We used mirrors to write secret messages. We also played a game where we had to use mirrors to find out what letter or word our partner wrote and stuck to our back. We investigated if light really travels in straight lines by shining a torch on a mirror and looking where it was reflected on the ceiling. 

Super Science

Year 4 have been researching famous scientist in our computing work. Look at how well they used their Microsoft Word skills to showcase their famous scientist. They are becoming adept at adding a border, changing font, colour and underlying their work. The tricky bit was inserting a picture and they did that with ease. Well done everyone. 

Magnificent Home Learning Projects

Look at some of Year 4's homework projects. They have worked so hard to ensure they replicated a Celtic roundhouse. Some children even went foraging for sticks to make the roof. I was impressed by them all and loved the creativity- especially the baked, clay, miniature and computerised roundhouses. Exceptional work Year 4. 

World Space Week

We are celebrating World Space Week at Broadbent Fold. Look out for our competitions set by our Science Leader Miss Harvey. How do astronauts do their cleaning?   With a vacuum!What's an astronaut's favourite tea?    Gravitea!Where do astronauts train?   At universe-ity!  

Cross Country Grand Prix

Lots of children in KS2 gave up their Saturday morning to represent Broadbent Fold in the first cross country race of the season and we had lots of brilliant results! Well done to everyone!

Year 3/4 Girls

Aubrey 4th, Isla 8th, Chloe 20th, Phoebe 30th, Millie 31st, Ellie 32nd, Evie 33rd, Courtney 36th and Lottie 37th

Year 3/4 Boys

George 2nd and Jacob 5th

Year 5/6 Boys

Sam 7th, Boyd 10th, Xander 11th, Theo 15th, Daniel 16th and Oliver 25th

Broadbent Fold vs St Mary’s

Broadbent Fold's girls football team had a fantastic first match of the season beating St Mary's 1-0. It was the first time a lot of the girls had ever played a football match but they all got stuck in and showed brilliant team work and their football skills really improved throughout the match. The player of the match this game was Kasia for her brilliant goal keeping skills and also for helping lots of the new girls on the team. Well done girls!

Year 5's Awards!

Well done to all of Year 5 this week!  They won a whole class award for their fantastic work and achievements during their Bikeability sessions!  A Handwriting certificate, Headteacher's and Good to be Green awards were also awarded.  Great work everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Tiny's visit to Year 5!

Year 5 were lucky to welcome Tiny (the White Rose Maths mascot) to the classroom this week!  Under Tiny's watchful eyes, they learnt about the Power of 10, using Gattegno charts to help them multiply or divide by multiples of 10.  Mrs Blomeley

Reading for all!

Pupil Leaders met with the Reading Ambassadors and Mrs Parker this week to discuss our school's amazing success in reading.  She found out how much children enjoy their teachers reading to them and how they use their reading areas.  They also discussed how the children choose to read a whole range of genres, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry!   They all agreed how important reading is, whether it be to learn new things, or simply just for pleasure.  Mrs Blomeley

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

We raised money for Macmillan at school today, with non-uniform and cakes. Thank you to all the families who donated cakes and also attended our fund raising. We will share what we have raised as soon as we know. Think everyone now needs a lie down from all the yummy treats we have had. 
