School Blog

Phonics Workshop

Today we held a phonics workshop for Nursery and Reception families. This had an autumnal feel to it and was wonderful to see families learning phonemes and reading together. 

Year 1 Visit from the Fire Brigade

Year 1 had a fantastic visit from Stalybridge firefighters this afternoon as part of their superheroes topic. They got to see the flashing lights and hear the siren, squirt water our of the hoses, sit in the fire engine and even Miss Mainprize got dressed up as a firefighter. I think everyone now wants to be a firefighter when they grow up. 

Material madness

This half term, we have exploring different materials and their properties. We have been material detectives searching for different materials and objects around school, we have explored the properties of materials and investigated whether different materials are suitable to make certain objects, for example: a chocolate teapot. We have also been investigating whether different objects can change shape and discussed the most changeable and why we think this is. Well done everybody! 

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to those who received our Headteacher's and Good to be Green Awards this week!  They are all worthy winners and are great role models for Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Space Week

As part of Space Week, Year 1 created their own planets using watercolours. They loved doing these and were very pleased with the outcome.

Cross Country Grand Prix

KS2 pupils took part in the second week of the Cross Country Grand Prix today and we had some more fantastic results!

Year 3-4 Girls

Courtney 10th, Isla 13th, Chloe 24th, Evie-Mae 37th, Phoebe 39th

Year 3-4 Boys

George 3rd, Jacob 6th, Noah 35th

Year 5-6 Girls

Isabelle 20th

Year 5-6 Boys

Sam 10th, Boyd 12th, Tyler 19th, Alfie 25th, Theo 27th, Daniel 28th, James 34th

Well done to everyone that took part!

Y6 Star of the week 7-10-22

The whole class were awarded a certificate today for their excellent behaviour and enthusiasm at Rayner Stephens this week.

Boyd also won a Headteacher's Award for his fabulous science work this week.

Well done to Aaron and Abigail for winning the Good to be Green Award. 

How does light travel?

We have been investigating how light travels in straight lines using torches and mirrors. We then had lots of fun working in groups to make a periscope. A periscope is an optical instrument that uses mirrors to reflect images through a 3D shape. Light rays hit the top mirror and are then reflected at an angle of 90 degrees down the periscope to the second mirror. At the bottom of the periscope, the light hits another mirror and is then reflected into the viewer's eye. 

First steps into column addition

Year 4 have been showing me what they remember of column addition from Year 3. I have been impressed by their fortitude and their application. I look forward to helping them remember the format, fixing their misconceptions and extending their knowledge. A great start Year 4. 
