School Blog

Year 3 Stars of the week

Congratulations to Year 3 children who have been awarded certificates this week. Head Teacher's Award for artwork and brilliant behaviour. Good to be Green pencils for following our school values and a Handwriting Award for beautiful handwriting and presentation. Well done! You make us proud! 

This weeks awards go to....

Year 2 have been working extremely hard this week and it was very difficult to choose this weeks award winners! Well done the the children who received this weeks Head-teacher, Good to be Green and handwriting awards, you have all worked super hard and always demonstrate that you are ready to learn, respectful and safe! Keep up the good work! Well done to A who has got player of the week at his football club this week, keep it up!

Space Poem Competition

World Space Week begins on 4th October and Thursday 6th October is National Poetry Day.

We are going to combine them together for our new competition for Y1-6.

I would like you to create a space themed poem. This could be about the planets, our solar system or maybe you want to make a poem about aliens.

Present your poem colourfully and you may win a prize in your class. Hand your completed poem to your teacher by Friday 14th October and the winners will be announced in assembly in the final week of the half term.

Good luck.

Miss Harvey

Handwriting Award Autumn 1 2022

I am so impressed with our superstars who have won the first Handwriting Award in our new school year. 

All of our amazing handwriting is on display outside Mrs Parker's office. Please have a look at their work in the photographs. 

Our winners are: Nursery- Arlo, Reception- Vincenza, Y1- George, Y2- Olivia, Y3- Jorge, Y4- Aubrey, Y5- Reiss, Y6- Jenson

Year 6 Stars of the week 30-9-22

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week Mia and Sam.

I was so impressed with their poetry this week. Sam's language and alliteration was amazing. Mia's emotive vocabulary in her feelings poem was mesmerizing.

Thomas and Heidi won our Good to be Green Award this week.

Jenson won the Handwriting Award for his beautiful presentation.

Imagine Poetry

Year 6 are hoping to enter the Young Champions Poetry Competition where they ahve to create their own imaginary poems describing something that they could be.

I have been blown away by their creativity this week basing their poems on a Pie Corbett poem called 'What are you?' We have tried to use oxymorons, similes, repitition and alliteration in our own poems. 

Please have a look at some of their wonderful poems!

Tag rugby in year 6

Our sports coach Mr Williams has been really impressed with the progress that year 6 have made with their tag rugby skills over the last four weeks. They are understanding the rules better and are becoming skilled at passing the ball with two hands. 

Well done everyone. 

Wonderful Writing

Year 4 have been working hard on their diary entries. They have used all their experiences to inform their writing and spent quality time editing and improving them. I am very proud of their work and their achievements. Well done. 

Amazing Awards

Great job Year 4 this week. Lots of children gained star points. Aubrey was issued a pen for her beautiful handwriting. Millie and Ted achieved the Head teacher certificates and Layla and Mia won the Good to be Green pencils. Year 4 even won the trophy for PE this week. Brilliant work everyone. 
