School Blog

Broadbent Fold vs St Mary’s, Dukinfield

Broadbent Fold's boys football team had a fantastic first match of the year against St Mary's Catholic Primary School. It was a close game with St Mary's winning 3-2. Well done to everybody who played and braved the rain. Daniel was the player of the match for getting stuck in and showing some great defending skills. Good luck to the girls who have their first game next week!

Music in Year 3

Year 3 have been learning music through our Charanga music programme. Today we began to use instruments to clap to the beat.


Year 3 have tried ever so hard to develop and improve their hockey skills. Today, they've played mini hockey games using their hockey skills.

Well done impressive skills shown Year 3.

Messages in the Bible!

Year 5 enjoyed their work in RE yesterday.  Our overall question was "Who is God?" which led to "What is God?".  Reading the Bible by looking up different quotes, we discovered that God is many things.  We found quotes that included  God as the father, God is the Leader and God is the Light!  Wonderful work everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Our Amazing Supertatoes

We have been reading the text Supertato in their English lessons. We all used our fantastic ideas to create our own Supertato characters and made a list of all the materials we used. 

Fantastic work Year 1!

Marvellous Music

The children have been marvellous in their penny whistle lessons with Mrs O'Leary. They are practising their scales, listening, appraising and appreciating different types of music. Great  work. 

World Peace Day 2022

2022 Theme: End racism. Build peace.

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.

But achieving true peace entails much more than laying down arms.  It requires the building of societies where all members feel that they can flourish. It involves creating a world in which people are treated equally, regardless of their race.

Year 4 Chester Museum Trip

There was a lot of fun and learning at the Grosvenor Museum in Chester today. The children were Roman soldiers, archaeologists and investigator. It was fabulous! 

Year 5 Awards !

Well done to our vey worthy Award winners this week!  They received Headteachers certificates and Good to be Green awards for their hard work, fantastic behaviour and for following our school values of being Ready, Respectful and Safe!  Keep up the great work!  Mrs Blomeley
