School Blog

Worry Wizard Visit

Today our Wellbeing Team met the Worry Wizard herself - Amy Smythe. They ate biscuits, talked about their role in school and played a wellbeing game. Our champions have more assembly ideas and have some great support in place for our pupils Aoife's idea is to travel away from her worries on a Chicken Mayo Wrap - which made us all giggle. Thank you to Amy for her time with our pupils. 

Year 5 - Bikeability Day 2

Day 2 of Bikeability was a great success!  All of the children achieved their Level 1 Bikeability badge and most received their Level 2 badge as well!  Fantastic work from all of Year 5, who have learnt such important skills about being safe on the roads!  Mrs Blomeley

Purple Mash in Year 4

Year 4 had chance to explore Purple Mash this afternoon. The programme is full of Roman information and quizzes and lots of maths games. They were very excited to be able to choose activities that helped improve their own knowledge.

Year 1 gymnastics lessons

Year 1 have been working very hard on their gymnastics lessons in PE. They have been looking at ways of travelling and balancing on different points and patches. 

Year 5 - Bikeability Day 1

Year 5  started their Bikeability course today!   They are aiming to gain their Bikeability 1 and 2 awards and so far everything is going to plan!  They started with an "M" check this morning, followed by an assessment of their riding and signalling abilities.  After lunch they ventured out onto the local roads to learn some vital skills to ride safely.  The children are all ready for Day 2 tomorrow!  Mrs Blomeley

Primary Science Quality Mark 2022

We have achieved our Primary Science and Quality Mark! Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) is the only national award scheme to develop and celebrate the quality of science teaching and learning in primary schools.

Exciting Experiments

Today, we investigated reflective materials. We shone torches on different materials and used iPads to measure brightness of the reflected light. We found out that shiny and smooth materials reflect light best. 

Fantastic Forest School Week 1 and 2

What a busy time Year 2 have had in forest school!  They have had lots of fun making mini dens, playing beetle tag, bug hunting, safely using tools and making clay animals.  Well done everyone!

Mini dens and blue beetles

Year 5 have been making mini dens and using clay to make creatures to live in their dens.  They also used tools safely to cut the wood and try out some whittling.  Everyone enjoyed playing the closer, closer  hide and seek game and finding the blue alder beetles.
