School Blog

Welcome to Nursery!

Welcome to our Nursery!

We are enjoying our first days at school. The children are settling in well and are enjoying exploring in the new areas. I am so proud of them!

This half term we will be looking for signs of autumn and sharing the story of 'Leaf Man'.

Mrs Tennant

Welcome to the Romans

Year 4 have been very interested and excited about learning about the Romans. They have started to read our class story Boudica's Army and have learnt about what Britain was like before the Romans invaded. They have been aghast at how the Celts painted their bodies and fought naked! 

Wonderful Work Already

Year 4 have started the year off brilliantly. We have organised our class charter and completed our interests sheets creating a diversity display. I'm very proud of the children's hard work and determination already. 

What was life like for Victorian children?

Welcome to Year 5!  Our first half term's topic is "What was life like for Victorian children?"  and we have some exciting and inspiring activities to help us delve into this important period in history.  Our visit to George Street Chapel  will enhance their learning and help the class to empathise with children from the past.  Have a look at the Medium Term Plan for this topic to find other activities planned for all areas of the curriculum.  Also attached is the Challenge Home Learning grid for Year 5.  This contains activities to complete if you are self isolating, home

Local Sports Nomination.

We are excited to tell you that we have been nominated for the Active Tameside Sport and Physical Activity Awards 2022. The event is a showcase for all the hard work that takes place in Tameside’s voluntary sport and physical activity clubs and groups. Broadbetn Fold Primary School and Nursery have been nominated for: School commitment to PE and sport award. This nomination is in recognition of our hard work and achievements over the last year. Well done to our pupils and staff for their effort and enthusiasm, especially Miss Mainprize our PE Leader.

Home Learning Autumn 1

Here is the home learning for Autumn 1. I cannot wait to see all the exciting things you do at home. Please remember to upload anything you complete to Seesaw or bring it into school.

Remember, completing all 8 pieces of homework earns you a gold award, completing 6 pieces earns you a silver award and completing 4 pieces earns you a bronze award. 

Where will your powers take you?

This half term our topic is called 'Where will your powers take you?' and is a topic centered around superheroes! For more information regarding what we will be learning about, please see the MTP below.

Year 6 Head Girl, Head Boy and Prefects.

It is my pleasure to introduce you to our Head Girl Kasia and Head Boy Xander. They will be supported in their role by our Prefects; Henry, Harriet, Heidi, Seth, Maycie and Alfie. They will be working closely with me to support classes and drive standards in our school. They are all perfect role-models and I cannot wait to work with you all this year. Well done! 

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to Year 4. I do hope you've all had a fabulous summer holidays and you are ready for the children to return to school on Monday 5th September. 

Please find attached our first Medium Term Plan- How did the Romans change Britain?  and the Home Learning Grid. 

 Please be aware that:

1. PE in on Wednesdays and the children will need their PE kits of white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers or pumps
