School Blog

Year 3 Autumn information

Where in the world will your ticket take you?

Our exciting, flying start to the term is based on a book called 'A ticket around the world', it is a fabulous hook to create interest in places which will enhance Geography knowledge.

Year 3 children can you share your travel or adventures? Where would you like to travel to?


Welcome back!

Welcome to your final year at Broadbent Fold! I am really looking forward to seeing you all on Monday ready for our new term.

Look at the attached topic information and home learning grid for you to do additional home learning at home.

Our new topic is: How are we unique? We will be hosting a class talent show in the next few weeks where you can share any special hobbies or talents that you have.

I can't wait to find out more about how unique and special you all are! 

Good luck year 6

What a lovely leavers assembly this morning.

The children secretly voted for their peers to win awards. The awards went to...

Year 6 Leavers Video

Farewell to our amazing Year 6. Watch the video and enjoy watching them grow up at school. They're definitely ready for secondary school and we wish them all the best. Take good care Year 6 and don't forget to come back and tell us how you are getting on. 

End of Year Awards

Congratulations to these Year 3 children who have received very special end of year awards for for fantastic effort, attainmen, attendence and being our worry wizard chapion! Well done! You truly deserve it. 

What a fantastic year...

What a busy but fantastic year we have had in Year 2 this year, time has flown by and we have shared some lovely memories! All the children have worked extreamily hard and they have all made outstanding indivudal progress which they should be proud of! Thank you Parents / Carers for your continued support this year! I wish all the children the best of luck as they move into Year 3. 
