School Blog

Sports Day

Well done to all the children in Year 2 for taking part in a fantastic sports day. Great team work everyone!

Sports Day

Well done to all the children in Year 1 for taking part in a fantastic sports day. Great team work everyone!

Sports Day

A little bit of rain didn't stop us from enjoying our Sports Day!

Thanks for all your support and well done to all the children for a fantastic afternoon!

Forest crowns

The reception group had fun today playing 1,2,3 Where are you?, making their beautiful forest crowns and bug hunting. The children found some fantastic hiding places! Well done everyone!

Using our senses

In forest school today Year 1 pretended to be bats and use their sense of hearing to find and catch the 'moths'.  Then they used their sense of touch to explore the trees and find them again after their blindfolds were removed.  All of the children worked well in their teams and helped each other.  The children also used the hammers and leaves to make patterns on cloth which is called Hapazome.  Well done everyone!

Come Dine with Me

This week we are celebrating Design and Technology week (Come Dine with Me) throughout the school. The children have the task of ‘Creating a healthy meal / dish for under £5.00.’ The children have been put into small groups within their year group to plan, make and evaluate their meal / dish. In Year 2, the children decided on a theme, ‘Omelettes.’ The children had to research Omelettes and decided in their groups on 5 ingredients to put into their dish.

Design Technology- food making Greek salads

Year 3 as part of Design Technology week researched and planned and healthy Greek salad.

In groups they cut food using knives and presented their food items so that pupil leaders could evaluate and judge their group's Greek salad.

We really enjoyed making Greek salads and want to make them at home so parents get ready for master chefs making delicious healthy meals.
