School Blog

Amazing children in Year 4

Fantastic efforts throughout the week for all Year 4. A particular mention goes to the two children who earned their class certificates this week and Orson and Rueben for getting the Good to be Green pencils. A special mention goes to Lottie for being the first child in Year 4 for getting her Bronze Award. 

Tag Rugby Competition

Broadbent Fold pupils loved taking part in the tag rugby competition today. They showed great teamwork, scored some brilliant tries and did some great tackles. Well done to everyone that took part and for coming 3rd in your group.

Broadbent Fold vs Inspire = 2-3

Broadbent Fold vs Godley =1-1

Broadbent Fold vs St John Fisher = 4-2

Broadbent Fold vs St George's = 0-2.


Today in Gymnastics, we have been exploring different mirror moves with a partner. We created a sequence of work with a clear start, controlled twists, spins and turns. We discussed how we can improve our sequences by using different levels and transitioning from one movement to another. Well done everyone, some super mirroring work!

Monarch Homework

Year 6 had a homework task to research their favourite British Monarch and present some information about them in class.

I have been so impressed with their ICT skills, presentation skills and the way that they delivered their research to everyone.


Library Club

This week our librarians started a lunchtime club where they read and play games with children in KS2.

Well done :)

Team building in PE

We had to work on our communication and trust in each other during PE this week when taking part in some blind-folded challenges. 

Orienteering in Year 3

Year 3 have been using great team work skills to design their own maps using orienteering symbols. Children then directed other groups using their maps and direction.

Today, children learnt to communicate clearly and how listening was very important within their group.It is important that everyone has their own views and cooperation is crucial. 

Improving writing

Year 3 have been working very hard to improve their writing using dictionaries and spell checkers to edit their own spellings.

Well done- we are very proud of everyone.

