School Blog

Afternoon Tea with Mrs Parker

These wonderful role models have been green all term and enjoyed afternoon tea with me. I loved it and we ate too much chocolate cake.Well done to everyone who has also been green - maybe next time it will be you!  

Friday Awards

All Year 3 children have work incredibly hard this half term. Congratulations to this week's superstars! These children have been awarded Head Teacher's certificates for their effort writing and computing. We also had Good to be Green raffle winners and a Vocabulary Ninja Champion. 

Space Display

Our new space display is out of this world!!

This showcases some of the work which was completed around the school during Space Week in October. 

Well done!

Miss Harvey

Y6 Street Art

Please take time to look at the photographs of some the artwork produced in year 6 this week.

We have made our own versions of street art using inspiration from artists Banksy and Keith Haring. 

This looks so professional year 6!

Y6 Star of the week 12-10-22

Congratulations to our stars of the week Charley and Lucy.

Charley produced a fabulous piece of artwork inspired by street artist Banksy. 

Lucy's Keith Haring artwork was fantastic.

Well done to Thomas and Dylan for winning the Good to be Green award this week.

Well done to Heidi for winning the Vocabulary Ninja Award for your amazing use of vocabulary. 

Year 6 are truly unique!

Year 6 shared their talents with the class this week to show how unique they all are.

We had so many skills being shared including sports, dancing, drawing, lego building and even under water hockey.

You are such a talented bunch!!

Year 4 Awards

A massive congratulations to our worthy winners of the awards this week. A special mention goes to Jakob for making sure we are the Eco class of the half term by always turning off the lights and the whiteboard when we're not in class.

We've had a fabulous half term and managed to get lots of awards. Well done Year 4. 

Friendship Charades in Year 5!

Year 5 showed off their acting skills in our PSHE lesson on Friendship this week!  We played charades, where they had to act out a quality of friendship, such as trust, sharing and listening.  There were a few words and phrases that were NOT good qualities to have, such as calling names or making fun.  Luckily, Year 5 spotted these straight away! More great work from everyone  - I am very impressed!  Mrs Blomeley

Busy Pupil Leaders!

Our Pupil Leadership team have been extremely busy lately with importants tasks for their classes.  Firstly, they met to go through all of the reward suggestions for the weekly winners of  House Team star points.  There were a lot of suggestions from each class!  They also had to choose from the ideas for termly winners.  A movie afternoon was very popular for that!  Their next task was to choose the winners of the Space Poem competition!  Miss Harvey received so many entries from each class so this was a difficult task.  They finally decided on the winners who have now been announced!  Wel


Wow! Year 4 have worked really hard to measure, cut, shape and mould clay to create a Roman mosaic masterpiece. Their final pieces are brilliant. Wonderful work Year 4. 
