School Blog

Amazing Awards

A big well done to our stars of the week! This week, Head Teacher's certificates were awarded for lovely manners and effort in reading and writing. We also had two Good to be Green lottery winners and three children received Bronze Awards. 

Outdoor Learning with year 4

What a fantastic afternoon Y4 had when they went out to recreate Andy Goldsworthy art on the school field. They managed to find so many resources and worked together to create a piece of art. Well done everyone. 

Year 5's Outdoor Learning and Algebra!

Year 5 enjoyed their outdoor learning yesterday!  They observed the clouds, listened to the nature aroud them (including a cheeky robin who visited the willow!)  and sourced some natural materials to help with their Maths equations work later on.  After trying this introduction to the idea of Algebra in their books, Year 5 returned outside to form their equations!  Using a key, where a leaf represented 1 and a stick equalled 5, the children worked in pairs to demonstrate how the materials from the key could be laid out as a sum, using chalk to write in the functions and the answers.   Well

Pupil Leaders and Safeguarding!

Another important task for the Pupil Leaders!  They met with Mrs Parker to discuss some key questions about Safeguarding in school.   The team's responses were impressive and sensible - it is clear that the children understand the importance of Safeguarding at Broadbent Fold.  The Pupil Leaders talked about the various lessons they take part in to learn how to be safe, such as online safety, anti-bullying, Bikeability and PSHE sessions, as well as the steps that all staff take to keep everyone safe.  This will be followed up in class when the Pupil Leaders will ask their peers for feedback.


Today, we have started our new science unit; rocks and soils. We learnt about different types of rocks and how they are formed. We also looked at examples of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. 

Year 3 Autumn 2 Information

An exciting theme of learning all based on:

Could you survive the Stone Age?

I'm a modern child... Get me out of here!!!

Year 3's information on Home Learning and our Medium Term Plans is attached. Remember to either share home learning on Seesaw or bring it into class to share.


Wellbeing in the outdoors

As part of Outdoor Learning Day Year 6 visited Gorse Hall for a wellbeing session. They had so much fun playing tig, hide and seek and football with lots of tree climbing too. 

Safe Squad in Y6

Year 6 had a fun, interactive morning taking part in our Safe Squad workshop. We discussed fire safety in the home, practised basic CPR, discussed how to be safe online and what to do if see hate crime or antisocial behaviour. We would like to thank the Safe Squad team for making this important, informative session so hands-on.


We started today Dance session off with a discussion about what we already know about The Great Fire of London. The children were already very knowledgeable and have been comprehending our class text well. We then discussed the importance of warming up and dancing using counts of 8. We then began our warm up travelling through the narrow streets of Pudding Lane using walking, changing direction, skipping and jogging.

Year 4's New Topic

Year 4 set the half term off with their science topic, sound. They completed a sound survey around school yesterday, checking how they were able to hear vibrations through the air, walls, doors and glass. They incorporated what they'd learnt about pitch, volume, tempo and dynamics into their music lesson today. Look at them counting out the pulse in the music. 
