School Blog

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to our award winners in Year 5 this week!  Fantastic writing, being helpful and caring and, of course, being Ready, Respectful and Safe all week are all reasons for these great achievements.  More Bronze winners this week too - well done for achieving 50 star points!  Mrs Blomeley

Poland Independence Day

On Friday 11th November we celebrated Poland independence day. We celebrate by learning a Polish Folk dance and trying some yummy Polish food.  

Y6 Star of the week 11-11-22

Well done to Alfie and Xander for winning a Headteacher's Award today. They both created some amazing geometric art for Maths Week England which will be taking place next week. 

Sam and Lexi won the Good to be Green Award for being outstanding role models in the class. 

Polish Day in Y6

Y6 loved tasting some Polish foods today- the chocolates particularly went down well. We have found out about why Poland celebrates their Day of Independence on 11th November and the class have produced some outstanding information pages about this- please have a look at the photographs of our work!

We have also researched some traditional Polish dishes to create our own Polish menus- yummy!

Y6 Hockey

Year 6 are finessing their hockey skills in PE. We have looked at different types of dribbling; how to do push passes with a partner; and how to use a jab tackle to attack our opponents. Next week we will start to play some matches against each other. 

Perfect Polish Day

We have had a fun filled Polish day and Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed it. We started with Polish maths, we practised addition using Polish words for numbers. We also played number bingo game, in Polish of course!

We tasted some Polish food; smoked sausage, bread and chocolate covered marshmallow. It was delicious. 

This week's award winners are...

Well done to this week who received this week's Head-teacher and Good to be Green awards, they are well deserved! Well done to H and M who have received a swimming award at their after-school club, keep up the good work!

Y4 Polish Day

Today, Year 4 have found out all about Poland. They have located it on a map, read a non- chronological report and learnt about the highest mountain, capital city, national symbol, currency and lots more. I'm sure the children enjoyed sampling the Polish sausage, bread and marshmallows too. Please ask them what they have learnt today. 

Super Science

Year 4 were using instruments this week to investigate their pitch. They were able to organise and sort the instruments into low and high pitch and found out why they were high and low pitched. They were amazed to find out how the sound vibrations looked and how the size of the space for the vibrations really affected the pitch.

Lest We Forget

Year 4 joined a live Remembrance Service today and observed 2 minutes of silence as a mark of respect. Look at the work they have created today. 
