School Blog

Fabulous 4

Amazing awards this week in class. Another 4 children received their bronze awards.. A fabulous week. Well done Year 4. 

Friday Awards in Year 3

Congratulations to our stars of the week. This week, Head Teacher's Awards have been given for great effort in all subjects and for showing super computing skills. Two children have been awarded Good to be Green pencils and one child has earned his bronze Award. Well done!

Internet Legends Assembly

Internet Legends live assembly was watched by Year 3,4 & 5 this morning.

Children learnt the importance of not using the same password, they also learnt about web browsers.  

Another area of Online Safety shared was the importance message to be careful what is shared online, this includes what is shared on wats app.


Change your password.

Don't keep logged on shared devices. 

Forest School fun with Year 5

Year 5 have been practising their knot tying skills by making fantastic bows and arrows. They also had great fun playng their favourite game - Forest Ranger and using berries to make natural dyes.  The group were so happy when they saw a beautiful rainbow and wanted a picture under the rainbow!


Year 4 have been improving their handball skills this week. They were working in teams to retrieve balls, send and pass balls accurately to each other and practised defending and finding a space so that they could receive the ball. A great lesson and team work skills. 

Planting Crocuses for World Polio Day

As part of World Polio Day 2022 the Eco leaders and chosen children from each class planted 500 crocuses in the school grounds.  These were kindly donated by Tameside Rotary.and members of the Rotary came to help and support the children with their planting.  Well done everyone, you all did a fantastic job!  We are looking forward to seeing the flowers bloom in the spring.

Flag making

Today in forest school the children have been playing the sparrow hawk game, making bows and arrows and using clay. They also used the hapazome technique to colour cloth with leaves and berries to make their own flags.

Ashton Mosque visit

Today, Year 1 and Year 2 visited Ashton Mosque as part of our RE topic (Year 2) ‘Who are Muslims and what do they believe? The children learnt all about the Islamic faith and took part in activities including greeting in Arabic, removing their shoes when entering the Mosque, trying on head scarfs and designing a prayer mat. The children were already very knowledgeable about Islam. The children also got to see Mosques from around the world and see / learn about what happens in a Mosque. Thank you to our parent helpers who supported us on our visit!
