School Blog

Y6 Star of the week 25-11-22

Well done to Harriet and Thomas for being our stars this week.

Harriet has produced some fantastic work in science about how peppered moths have evolved.

Thomas has worked with enthusiasm, remembering and sharing key facts about evolution.

Seth and Daniel are our Good to be Green winners this week. 

Survival of the fittest

As part of our evolution topic, Year 6 planned and carried out a fair and comparative test today to see which 'beak' would collect the most food and survive. The children were independent in choosing their equipment, method and ways to measure their activity.

Who survived and who didn't make it?

World Cup Year 3 Style!

Year 3 played football in their house teams with each team representing a country. 

They really enjoyed playing as part of a team. Lots of passion for football was shown by Year 3.

Super Scientists investigate Water Resistance!

Year 5 used their scientific skills last week to investigate whether the shape of an object affects its movement in a liquid.   They discussed how to make it a fair test then created different bow shapes out of modelling clay.  Using iPads to time the bows, they found the best shape was either pointed or sharp.  To extend their experiment they went on to use a fluid with more viscosity (bubble bath) which demonstrated how this created more resistance and slowed down the object.  Great work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Cracking the codes in Year 5!


It all started when a suspicious looking briefcase was delivered to Year 5!  Who delivered it?  How did they know that Year 5 were learning to be spies?  The briefcase contains a variety of objects and a coded letter.  Luckily, Year 5, have learnt how to use a Cipher Wheel, which has helped them to decipher the message!  The mission has started - they have just three weeks to carry out their investigations ....
