School Blog

Stone age necklaces

Stone age necklaces have been made by Year 3.

They really did enjoy making them, carefullly threading and putting their air dried clay pieces together.

Anti-bullying assembly

Gary and Simon from Holy Trinity visited our school and spoke about how bullying wasn't the right thing to do. They spoke about Jesus and how he would do the right thing. We shared an important message:

Do to others as you would have them do to you!


Amazing Atlas Work in Year 4

Year 4 improved their skills at using an Atlas today with completing their Atlas Scavanger Hunt  and Atlas World Quiz. They really set to using the Index accurately and identifying page numbers and grid references. A fabulous lesson, where they really improved their skills in locating places in an atlas. Well done Year 4. 

Anti-bullying Week

As part of PSHE lessons, children discussed the different kinds of bullying including physical and verbal bullying.

Children talked and shared about how they must think before they speak unkindly.

Year 3 were very confident at sharing ways to be kind in person and online.

Think of others and their hearts!

Mathematics in a workplace

This week we are celebrating Mathematics Week England 2022. Year 2 were very lucky to have a parent visitor to talk and share how mathematics is used in his workplace and express the importance of Mathematics being a fundamental part of life. Thank you very much to X Dad for your time and support, the children loved it!

Stone Age Jewellery

Today, Year 3 learnt about Stone Age jeweller. After finding out about different materials Stone Age people used to make jewellery, we looked at different examples. We designed our own Stone Age necklaces and used air dry clay to make them. All we need to do now is to wait for the clay to dry and put the beads on a string. 

Remembrance Sunday

Thank you for all your support with this year's Poppy Appeal. Yesterday Xavier and his family with our governor Mr Moon lay a wreath at the Chapel Hill War Memorial. Thank you for attending this on behalf of Broadbent Fold Primary School and Nursery. School will continue to support the Royal British Legion and the charity work they do in our community. More information can be found -

Anti-Bullying Week 2022

The theme for this week is Reach Out. This theme empowers the community to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes. We have also completed our Speak Out Stay Safe Assemblies with the NSPCC, which generated lots of discussion about abuse - It is not okay! Well done Broadbent Fold. 

Hockey in Year 5!

Year 5 are enjoying learning the different aspects of Hockey in their PE sessions lately.  So far they have learnt the importance of holding the stick correctly and keeping their heads up!  They've also been practising different types of dribbling and how to jab tackle.  All of these will lead to match playing in the final weeks of our Hockey sessions!  Well done Year 5.  Mrs Blomeley

Polish Day in Year 5!

Year 5 enjoyed finding out about the legend of the Polish White Eagle emblem during Polish Independence Day on Friday and they drew some fantastic pictures! They also played Polish Eye Spy and tasted some delicious Polish food, such as bread, sausage and chocolate!  Thank you to Miss Laitl for organising this! Year 5 are amazing in their Polish lessons!  Mrs Blomeley
