School Blog

Amazing Awards

Congratulations to our stars of the week. This week Head Teacher's certificates were awarded for effort in handwring and fabulous reasoning skills in maths. We also had two Good to be Green raffle winners and a Handwriting Champion. 

Fantastic Year 4

Year 4 have done it again! Fantastic work for all our winners this week. We've even had swimming and handwriting champions this week. Well done everyone.

This week's award winners are...

Well done to the children who received the Head-Teacher, Good to be Green and handwriting awards this week. We have had a busy two weeks doing Math, reading, writing and SPaG tests/assessments so well done everybody! Well done to the boys who have been working hard at their football clubs. Keep up the hard work!

Tameside Libraries Winter Reading Challenge

Taking part in the Winter Mini Challenge is simple. Read at least three books between 1 December 2022 and 20 February 2023 and add them to your online profile at to earn fun digital rewards! Reaching your online reading goal will unlock a limited-edition virtual badge and a special Winter Mini Challenge certificate to print off and keep. You'll find loads of other great stuff on the website too, including games, book reviews, reading activities and content from the best children’s authors and illustrators around!

Fractions Game

We have been adding and subtracting mixed numbers in our fractions learning. Today we played Connect 4 to revise our knowledge and get 4 correct answers in a row. 

Evolution Workshop part 2

We loved getting our hands on the fossils yesterday in our workshop. We became naturalists: classifying, measuring, sorting and counting the fossils in various ways. The megalodon tooth and mammoth hair were fascinating. We were not too sure about the coprolite- dinosaur poo!

Thank you so much to Mr Birchall and his son from Balestra Workshops for such a fun, informative day!

Boat materials

Today in Science, the children took part in an assessment activity which involved the children selecting materials relating to their properties to create a boat. We read the story Handa’s Fruit and discussed the problem e.g. a boat to carry Handa’s fruit. The children had to create an individual boat which would carry an orange. We then tested the boats in water and discussed the following questions: which materials did you use in your boat? What did you find out about the materials? What kind of material worked best? Why do you think that material worked the best?

Capital Cities of the World

Amazing cooperation skills today from  year 4 when they were trying to match up capital cities of the world. The tricky jigsaw had a few stumped until they started to use the atlases to help them out. The class then used this knowledge to answer the Capital City Trivia Quiz and did really well. 

Evolution Workshop- part 1

What a jam-packed morning we have had in year 6. We have looked at the theory of evolution by natural selection and discussed how animals. including humans, have evolved. We played a game of 'survival of the fittest'. We revised the scientific names for part of the skeleton and discovered we could fir approximately 7 bean bags into a human skull. We took part in some circuit activities to look at how humans have stamina- which makes us different from apes.

We can't wait to be palaeontologists this afternoon exploring fossils. 
