School Blog

Goodbye Mrs Bardsley

Today we said goodbye and thank you to Mrs Bardsley. Mrs Bardsley has been volunteering and working as part of our Midday Team for 22 years at Broadbent Fold. We are forever grateful for your time and dedication. We wish you a happy retirement. 

Amazing achievements

 Well done to this week’s Head-teacher, Good to be Green and Vocabulary Ninja award children, you have continued to work extremely hard this week alongside all the Christmas festivities, good job! Well done to the children who received 99% and 100% Attendance awards for the Autumn term, keep it up! Also, Well Done to the children who received our Bronze, Silver and Gold home learning awards, I have been spoilt for choice when choosing the children’s work to put on our home learning display.

Y6 Star of the week 16-12-22

Well done to our stars of the week Evan and Keaton.

Evan was very nervous about sharing his story with year 2 yesterday however he was wonderful and the children enjoyed his story.

Keaton is a lovely, expressive reader- we always love listening to him read our class text.

Thank you to Tyler and Noah for following our school values all week and winning our good to be Green Award.

Christmas Party!

Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas party: best dancer award, pass the parcel, corners and musical statues. Oh what fun! Merry Christmas Everyone! 

Storytime with Y2...

Year 6 have been working incredibly hard on their adventure stories about dinosaurs for their target audience- year 2 children. Today they were so excited to get to read their stories aloud to our Y2 class to get some feedback.

Thank-you to year 2 for listening so well to our stories we hope you enjoyed them! 


Y6 World Cup Tournament

Yesterday the Y6 Sports Ambassadors ran a World Cup Tournament. The teams were Amber- England, Ruby- Portugal, Emerald- Brazil, Sapphire- Argentina.

I was impressed with their leadership skills- presenting a warm up, organising the teams and refereeing the matches. The winning team will be revealed in class today...

