School Blog

Our Scottish Visitor

What an amazing opportunity we had today as Joseph's dad came and shared his childhood stories from Scotland. We revelled in his stories about The Loch Ness Monster and the Goddess Beira. The children loved the taste of Scotland as he'd brought in Iron Bru and homemade shortbread.  A massive thank you for coming and talking to the class, it really brought the Scottish myths and legends to life and gave them meaning. 

Super Science

Today, we started our new Svience topic 'Aniamals including Humnas. We worked in small groups to describe how animals change as they grow. We matched offspring's to their adults and learnt the names of baby animals. . 

Why should the world's rainforests matter to all of us?

Our new topic in Year 5 will stretch our geographical skills, as we learn about the importance of rainforests to our planet.  This will lead us into the ongoing debate about Climate Change, where we will learn more about Greta Thunberg and her efforts to save our planet.   Find our Topic Information and Home Learning Challenge Grid below.

Home Learning for Spring Term 1

Here is the home learning for this half term all based on our topic 'What happened to the dinosaurs?'.

Please upload to Seesaw or send into school anything that you complete. Remember you can earn a gold award for completing 8 pieces of homework, a silver award for 6 and a bronze award for 4.

We cannot wait to see all the things you do!

What happened to the dinosaurs?

This half term, our topic is 'What happened to the dinosaurs?' where we will be learning all about dinosaurs, what they eat, Mary Anning and lots more.

For more information, please see the MTP below. 

Building castles

Year 1 loved working in groups to design and build castles. They even tested them to see if they would hold up weights and they were all strong enough that none of them collapsed. Well done everyone!

Urban Extreme Dance Fest

Last half term, Broadbent Fold loved taking part in the Urban Extreme Dance Fest and came away with a trophy for team spirit. We were really proud of everyone who took part; they encouraged and supported everyone in their own team and also cheered on other schools too. A big thank you to our dance coach Zoe for helping us with our routine and a special well done to Lottie who represented our school in a dance off. 

A letter from HRH King Charles III

During the first half term, Year 6 wrote a letter to King Charles III as part of their learning about the royal monarchs. This week we received a very special reply from the Palace which we are delighted with. This is very special and will be framed in school for others to read.

Well done Year 6! 
