School Blog

Year 4 Winners

A massive congratulations to our Head teacher Merit winner, the children who gained the Good to be Green pencils and our first 4 silver certificate awards. Well done everyone. 

Year 5 explore: How do we know the Earth is a sphere?

:To begin their new Science Topic - Earth and Space - Year 5 went out to the playground yesterday when I asked the question: "What shape is the Earth?"  What did they see?  What did it look  like? What shape did they say? The conclusion was that they couldn't really say for sure, although most children think the Earth is spherical.  The class followed this up with an activity about the Flat Earth Theory versus the Spherical Body Theory.  They found more evidence that the Earth is a sphere, but, amazingly, there are still people around the world who think the Earth is flat!

Special Visitor in Year 5!

Year 5 enjoyed listening to Imran about being a Muslim!  They were fascinated to learn about his Islamic faith and the five different prayer times each day.  Imran also explained more about his place of worship; the Mosque, where he prays to Allah.  All of Year 5 asked Imran some extremely sensible and interesting questions.  I was very proud of them and I'm sure Imran was impressed too!  Mrs Blomeley

Muslim visitor

Year 1 enjoyed their visit from a Muslim visitor. They learnt all about the Mosque, Allah and Mecca. They enjoyed learning how to say some of the Arabic alphabet and dressing up in the traditional Muslim clothes. 

Engineers of the future

Year 3 have been learning about earthquakes and their devastating effects. The children designed earthquake proof buildings and used junk modelling to make them. They will test their buildings on the shake tray to see if they can survive an earthquake. 

Mindfulness in Year 4

Peace and calm reigned in Year 4 this afternoon in our yoga session with Miss Harrop. The children practised mindfulness during breathing exercises and yoga poses. How very relaxing on a very wet and windy day. 

Muslim Workshop

Yesterday year 6 really enjoyed their workshop with visitor Imran. They were very curious and had some fantastic questions that they were keen to ask to further their knowledge about Islam. We focused on what is like to be a Muslim in Britain today. Can you remember the name of any famous British Muslims year 6? Please bring in facts about a famous Muslim to share in class.

Fabulous bird feeders

The children had a great time in forest school. We talked about different types of birds, what they eat and what they sound like. Then we made two different types of bird feeders, played the sparrow hawk game and enjoyed making soup in the mud kitchen. Well done everyone! 

Muslim visitor

Imran, a Muslim visitor taught Year 3 stories of Muhammad, we learnt Muhammad had so much sadness in his life as lots of his family had died. 

However, later in his life he had a calling from Allah. Muhammad went to live in the wilderness to receive messages from God. 

Did you know Imran loved Muhammad more than anyone else? A good Muslim does and Imran has even been to Mecca.























Special visitor

Today, Year 2 were visited by a special visitor 'Imran' who came to talk to us about his faith, Islam. Imran was very impressed with the children's knowledge of the Islamic faith. Well done everybody!
