School Blog

House Team Winners - Ruby!

Ruby have won the House Team Points for autumn term. Well done Ruby - you have been so impressive all term and have worked incredibly hard to achieve your rewards. On Friday 13th January, you will receive a special non-uniform day for your efforts. Good luck to the other teams this term - you can do it! 

Can You Explain the Unexplained?

The children were very intrigued yesterday to start our new topic. They were so enthused that we may have a visitor joining us to help us understand Scottish Myths. I was really impressed by their investigatory skills as they have gained lots of ideas to help them with their newspaper writing next week. 

Where will our Adventure take us?

Happy New Year everybody! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and New Year. We will be beginning the New Year with our topic 'Where will out adventure take us?' During Spring term 1, we will be exploring Piracy. We will be dressing up as pirates and using our map skills in an orienteering treasure hunt. Please see our medium term plan for our curriculum overview and the creative home learning grid for some fun cross curricular activities to complete at home. I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4th January! 

Marvellous Lottie

Look at Lottie's  amazing charity work. She has raised £410 for Reuben's Retreat in November and Decembe. We are very proud of you Lottie. Well done. 

Reception MTP and Home Learning

Here is this half term's medium term plan and home learning grid for anyone wanting to do any additonal work at home.

Our topic is all about Winter and All Things Magical.

I cannot wait!

Mrs K

Spring Topic Information

Happy New Year!!

I hope you have had a lovely Christmas break.

Please see the attached topic information for this term including some home learning activities which can be completed. These can also be found on Seesaw. 

Nursery Spring 1

Hello Nursery,

I hope you have all had a magical Christmas. This half term term we are learning about Winter/Fairies and all Things Magical. Please find attached our Medium Term Plan and Home Learning Grid for anyone wanting to do any additional learning.

Happy New Year!

Mrs Tennant

