School Blog

Year 4 Spring Term

Dear Parents, Carers, I do hope you had a fabulous Christmas holiday, and the children are looking forward to our new term at school which starts tomorrow. Please find attached out Medium Term Plan and Home Learning Grid. This half term we are trying to Explain the Unexplained! This topic enables the children to really delve into several mysteries from the Loch Ness Monster, sightings of Yeti, Bermuda Triangle disappearances and Scottish legends. It is followed closely by our science topic on Electricity, where an electrical coding workshop has been organised.

Year 3 Spring 1 -2023

Our creative topic this term is What makes the Earth angry?


All our learning will be based on this theme, it is a exciting theme one which we know children will enjoy. Attached is the information -MTP, Home Learning Grid and a Challenge!

Keep an eye on the news so that children can come into school able to discuss any recent disasters.


Amazing Authors in Year 5!

Year 5 enjoyed reading their Spy Narrative stories to some of the Year 3 children last week!  Year 5 had worked hard to create their spy and villain descriptions, as well as enticing the reader in to their atmospheric settings!  The feedback from Year 3 was pretty impressive!  Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Christmas Party Fun in Year 5!

Year 5 had a wonderful time at their Christmas Party!  They enjoyed party food then showed off their joke telling talents to each other :)  Later they joined Year 6 in the Hall for a few games of Corners, Pass the Parcel and Musical Statues!  A great time was had by all!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to all of our award winners for the final week of term!  Certificates were given for improved presentation, being a great role model and being Ready, Repectful and Safe, as well as our Vocab Ninja winner!  Bronze awards were given for achieving 50 star points and end of term certificates went to those who have achieved 99% and 100% attendance!  Well done to everyone!  Wishing all of you and your families a wonderful time at Christmas!  Mrs Blomeley

Amazing Awards in Year 4

What an amazing amount of awards on our final day for the Christmas holidays. Well done Year 4. Have a fabulous Christmas and I'll see you all in the New Year. 

Super Certificates

We are finishing this half term on the high with a record amount of awards. We had Head Teacher's Awards for effort in writing and enthusiasm in Maths. As always, there were two Good to Be Green lottery winners. We had Attendence Awards and a Vocabulary Ninja Champion. Well done to all Year 3 children for working so hard. Enjoy a well deserved rest. Merry Christmas!

Happy Christmas

I wish you all a Happy Christmas. 

Have a lovely break year 6 and I will see you fresh and rested in January!

Miss Harvey

Board games in Y6

As part of our DT topic, Year 6 have researched and reviewed different board games. We then had a brainstorming meeting with our group to plan a few ideas for our games. After some board room discussions, we chose a game to design and make. Today we had the chance to play each other's games to get some market feedback. We then reviewed and evaluated our games.

The finished products are amazing. Well done!

