School Blog

Hummingbird Project

Today the Hummingbird Project started in year 5 and 6. This is a 6-week Positive Education intervention, designed to give students the tools they need to be as happy, healthy, and productive as possible. It involves hour-long workshops, in which students learn about happiness, mindfulness, gratitude, kindness, character strengths, and resilience, and take part in fun activities that help them to understand how to put these ideas into practice. 

Super Sound

The children today carried out a fair test to compare how well they were able to hear each other using hand made string telephones. They decided to compare their telephone with someone else's who had either longer or shorter string, a different type of string or someone who pulled their string tighter. They were fantastic at reasoning why their telephones worked better when the string was tighter, shorter or had a thinner string, explaining about how sound vibrations had to move along the string to get to their partners ear and it needed to be tight and thin and close. 

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to our "spooky" award winners this week for their  fantastic work and being Ready, Respectful and Safe!  

London's Burning!

As part of our creative topic this half term 'Why was London burning?' Year 2 talked about how The Great Fire of London spread so quickly during the GFoL because houses were made of wood. We then burnt some houses to show how quickly fire can spread. We also made wooden houses using wattle and daub (sticks and clay) to create London city, the children then re-enacted putting out the fires in a team using a bucket of water. We have a fabulous morning outside and the children thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Y6 Star of the week 4-11-22

Today everybody in Y6 was presented with the Star of the Week for their positive contributions and mature attitudes during our Safe Squad workshop.

Abigail was awarded with a Headteacher's Award for being such a hardworking member of the class. She is truly an outstanding role model.

Well done to Xander and Kasia for winning the Good to be Green Award today. 

You all looked amazing in your costumes :)

October Book Scavenger Hunt

Well done to all of the children who entered our Book Scavenger Hunt over the October half term. 

We hope you enjoy using your bookmarks to read more books :)

Miss Harvey and the Reading Ambassadors

Superhero Day

Year 1 loved Superhero Day where they all came dressed as their favourite superheroes and villains. They took part in a superhero obstacle course to see who was the fastest to save Trevor, the phonics T- rex and they also created some live artwork.

Maths Art

To celebrate Math Week England (14-18th November) Year 2 have been linking Math, Art and Outdoor learning all together to create some beautiful symmetrical Art. Have you seen how creative and beautiful their work is? Well done Year 2! 

Y4 Award Winners

A fantastic effort this week from all of year 4. Another 6 children received their bronze award. A group of children earned their stage 1 and stage 2 swimming certificates. Well done everyone. 

Amazing achievements

Well done to the children who received this week's Head-Teacher, Good to be Green and Bronze awards (50 star points). Well done, we have had a busy first week back! Keep up the hard work everybody!
