School Blog

Year 2 Visit Jodrell Bank.

Year 2 had the pleasure of visiting Jodrell Bank as a conclusion to their Space Theme work, which they have worked incredibly hard on. Pupils learned about the importance of the sun and the moon. They explored the site and observed many experiments. This created awe and wonder for our little scientists. Did you know - If you stand on our playground, you can see Jodrell Bank from our school! 

The Gingerbread Man

We are enjoying learning in our new role play area taking on the different parts of The Gingerbread Man story. We cannot wait to bake some yummy Gingerbread.

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali! We have listened to the story of Rama and Sita, used salt dough to create sparkly diva lights and made Diwali cards to send to our friends. 

Reception MTP and Home Learning

This half term we are learning all about Fabulous Festivals and The Gingerbread Man.

Please find attached our medium term plan and home learning grid for anyone wanting to do any additional learning.  This is entirely optional.

Mrs K

The Gingerbread Man

Welcome back Nursery,

This half term we will be learning about Bonfire night, The Gingerbread Man and we will finish with Christmas celebrations! Please find attached the Medium Term plan and the home learning grid for anyone wanting to do some additional learning. Please post your amazing work on seesaw so we can share it.

Mrs Tennant

Outdoors Stone Age Themed activities in Year 3

Year 3 started Autumn 2 with Stone Age activities outdoors. In Stone Age style they became hunters, throwing spears (javelins) to catch Woolly mammoths and other animals. They practised throwing like ' Stone age' gathers so that they could have enough food to eat.

Thanks to Mrs Anson Year 3 children even cooked on a fire just like Stone Age people would have needed to do in order to cook food.

Year 3 became Stone Age boys and girls. 

Could you survive being a Stone Age boy or girl?

Home Learning Autumn 2

Here is the home learning for Autumn 2 linked to our topic 'Would a dragon be a good friend?'. We were so impressed with everyone's home learning last half term and how many people got bronze, silver and gold awards. Remember 4 pieces of home learning is a bronze award, 6 is a silver and all 8 is a gold. Don't forget to post anything you complete on Seesaw, do it in your home learning book or send it into school. We cannot wait to see all the amazing things you do!

Would a dragon be a good friend?

In Autumn 2, Year 1's topic will be 'Would a dragon be a good friend?' where we will learn all about Kings, Queens, castles, friendships and much much more. For more information, see the attached topic web for all the things we will be doing this half term. 

Year 5 Autumn 2 - Can you crack the codes to become a Spy?

Welcome back to Autumn Term 2 in Year 5 which will be action packed in more ways than one!  Our new topic is 'Can you crack the codes to become a Spy?'  A firm favourite in Year 5, this topic presents some fantastic opportunities for writing!   The children will create interesting character descriptions and mysterious settings, resulting in spine tingling spy narratives!  They will adore Spy Day, with its opportunity to dress up as their very own spy, as well as being able to design and make their own spy gadgets!  We also have Outdoor Learning Day and Polish Day this term to keep us busy,

Year 4 Autumn 2 Activities

Our topic for the second Autumn Term is: What is Christmas like for others around the world? This topic gives the opportunity to cover various key features of the Year 4 Geography Curriculum. The children will: · Know the names of and locate at least eight major capital cities across the world. · Know where the equator, tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn and the Greenwich meridian are on a world map. · Learn about different Time Zones.
