School Blog

Why was London burning?

This half term, we will be exploring our topic question .Why was London burning?' We will be reading Toby and the Great Fire of London to find out about life back in 1966 and comparing it to London now. We will be exploring England’s capital city London and discovering all out The Great Fire of London. We will be reading Samuel Pepys' diary and will be writing our own diary entries. Did you know that the fire was rumoured to have started in a bakery? Can you bake some Great Fire of London cakes as one of your home learning activities?

Autumn 2 Information

Our new topic is 'Did we used to be apes?'

Please se the attached topic overview.

Also see the attached home learning grid with additional activities for you to complete this term. 

Making natural dyes from berries

Year 5 decided to make their own natural dye from blackberries and used elestic bands to make some fantastic tie dye patterns.  They also making a grappling hook and some delicious pizza wraps.

Creative Home Learning in Year 5!

Year 5 presented their creative homework projects to the class during the last week of the half term!  We were treated to a variety of work including home made Victorian toys, posters to ban child labour, instructions on how to play Hopscotch, research about clothes of rich and poor Victorians and information on Queen Victoria's nine children!  The most popular project was making a Victoria Sandwich; it was named after Queen Victoria herself when she used to enjoy this sponge cake for Afternoon Tea!  Year 5 definitely enjoyed their slices of cake in the afternoon!  They were all delicious! 

Drama in Year 5! Victorian Role Play!

We have some budding actors and actresses in Year 5!  Some of the class became poor characters from our class text  "Street Child", as well as "Emily" from the radio broadcast about a young lady from a wealthy family.  The rest of the class asked some thought provoking questions and the characters were able to answer convincingly about their different lives and backgrounds.  Brilliant moments of drama!  Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 Awards w/e 21st October

Well done to all of Year 5's award winners this week, which includes our first half term's Vocabulary Ninja winner!  You have all worked so hard this first half term - thank you everyone!  Mrs Blomeley
