School Blog

Copley Academy visit in Y6

Mr Coe the assistant principal of Copley Academy visited year 6 yesterday to talk about their high school. If you would like to make an appointment to look around Copley please get in touch with them and they can arrange a tour.

Reading Ambassadors Training Meeting

Yesterday our Reading Ambassadors had their first online training session with Tameside Libraries. We used padlet to add our ideas in the session about how we can promote reading more in our school.

I am very proud of their dedication in this role! Well done!

Changing shadows

Today, Year 3 children investigated how the size of the shadow changes depending on how close the object is to the light source. We found out that the closer the object is to the light source the bigger the shadow. 

PSHE Workshop

Year 3 had a special visitor today. Harold the giraffe came to talk to us about how to look after our bodies and our well-being. We also helped Harold to resolve a disagreement he had with his friend Derik the penguin. 

Our Year 4 SCARF Workshop

Rachel came into Year 4 today to run a SCARF workshop. The children remembered a lot from last year, including Harold the giraffe. Today, Karen's workshop celebrated how it is 'Great to be me.' They discussed how everyone is different and unique but that inside we are all the same. We discussed how to be mindful and improve our mental health by connecting with others, being mindful, being active, getting creative and giving to others. 

It's Friday Awards Again...

Congratulations to the children who have earned the Head Teacher's Awards for their effort in writing a persuasive text. A big well done to our Good to be Green raffle winners and a special mention to our first Year 3 children who achieved Bronze Award. 

Reading Competition.

Today we had a wonderful surprise visit from Ms Lund the Assistant Headteacher at Rayner Stephens. She presented Sam with 8 books for winning a competition set on their Open Evening. Sam loves reading and this is the perfect prize for him. Out of 10, Sam said this was 11! Thank you to Rayner Stephens. 

Safety during Halloween and Bonfire Night

Year 6 had a visit today from Manchester Fire Rescue Service who discussed how to keep safe around Halloween and Bonfire Night. We also then had a go at using the hose in the playground. Mrs Parker also kindly volunteered to dress up as a fire fighter. 

Thank-you to Mrs Harrison for arranging this for us. 

Y6 Star of the week 14-10-22

Congratulations to our stars of the week Aaron and Noah.

Aaron has worked hard in maths on his understanding of long multiplication this week progressing to more complex calculations to eventually modelling to others at the front of the class.

Noah has completed his homework task and presented his PowerPoint about King George in front of the class. 

Harriet and Riley are our Good to Be Green winners.
