School Blog

Fantastic Den Building

Year 2 had a fantastic time building their dens this afternoon and they worked really well in teams using their imagination to design their dens.  All of the children's dens survived the watering can test!  Well done year 2, you can survive in the woods!

In a twist...

Today year 6 performed some poems in assembly. We chose to do tongue twisters. The children organised themselves into groups and decided how to arrange their tongue twisters.

They did really well. 

Tennis in year 6

Year 6 have great skills in tennis and have enjoyed our block of tennis work with coach Jordan.

This week we had lots of matches.

Science challenge- what is this?

Can you guess what is in the picture this time? 

Can you describe the colour, texture and shapes that you can see? Does it remind you of anything?

If you think you know the answer write it down with your name and give it to Miss Harvey. 


Well done to those who guessed correctly today- it was a starfish!

Did you know that a starfish is not actually a fish and it cannot swim? It is an echinoderm which uses its suckers to crawl across the ocean floor. 

All of a melt in Year 4

Year 4 have been looking at how to change the state of certain objects. Today they got the opportunity to test which water temperature made chocolate melt the quickest. They ensured they had the correct equipment and that the test was fair by only changing the water temperature in each test. Of course, their predictions were correct and they had lots of fun observing the time taken for the chocolate to melt and recording their findings. 

Sewing in Year 3

Year 3 children have been designing jubilee squares. They used their designs and cut material out of fabric, they then learnt to sew and created their own special jubilee memories.This skill of sewing was used during WW2 especially when there was rationing of clothing.


Book Look

Thank you for parents and carers who attended our book look. It was very successful and really nice to see faces in school again. 

Year 1's busy forest school session

Year 1 had a busy afternoon in forest school this week.  They have been bug hunting, playing forest ranger and carrying out a scavenger hunt.  Some children used some of the natural objects that they found on their scavenger hunt to make some art work.  They have also been using their different senses to walk across the log walk while being blindfolded! Well done Year 1.
