School Blog

GMP visit Year 6

Today Greater Manchester Police visited us to talk about knife crime and staying safe in our community.

The officers explained about 'Joint Enterprise' This is when you may be involved in an incident where somebody dies- you may not have physically hurt the person but could still be charged if you were there and knew that somebody had the knife or had gone intending to fight. 

The children were very mature and asked lots of sensible questions.

See the following links if you would like some more support:

Support in community:

Super Fit Year 4

An imprompt Freddie Fit session kept Year 4 on their toes today. There are some super fit children in class. Well done Year 4. 

Sea Fever

Year 4 were magnificent when they recited Sea Fever by John Masefield in assembly today. They made me very proud with their loud, clear voices and using the mind map to remember the verses of the poem. Brilliant work Year 4. 

Jubilee Draw A Long Session

Year 3 children really enjoyed a draw a long session with an author and illustrator Steve Antony. Steve shared his book The Qeen's Hat and showed us how to draw different characters from the book. The children drew fantastic picures of the Queen, her dog and the cheeky swan that stole her bag. 

Jubilee themed Art and Computing

Year 3 enjoyed wearing a crown and pretending to be a Queen or King.

We uploaded the photos and children learnt to edit them, did they make themselves look like the lived in 1952? Could they be a future Queen or King?

Editing photos is regularly done in 2022, we discussed how images can be easilly altered. We also ensured that we had permission before editing anyone else's photos.

Forest School Fun

The children in reception had a great time in their forest school session this week.  The made some fairy houses and played 1,2,3 Where are you? They also found lots of natural objects and flowers to decorate their bracelets.  Some children even made crowns and magic wands.

Tameside Libraries half term events May-June 2022

Join Ashton Library this half term for a drop-in activity with crafts, games and a treasure hunt with a nature-theme for children aged 4-11- no need to book! 

They will be family workshops available in association with 'Made be mortals theatre company' at Dukinfield Library.

Storyteller John Kirk will be visiting Droylsden Library for a special in person story hunt with a minibeasts theme.

These events are FREE but must be booked in advance via Tameside Libraries Events | Eventbrite

Magnificent Magnets

This half term in science, Year 3 children have been learning about forces and magnets. The children really enjoyed conducting experiments with magnets. They learnt about magnetic field, sorted objects into magnetic and non-magnetic and tested strength of different magnets. 

Friday Awards

A massive well done to our stars of the week. The children were awarded Head Teachers Award for fantastic work in English and Polish. we also had Good to be Green lottery winners and Gold Awards. Great work everybody!

Outdoor Learning Day in Year 6

Thursday 19th May was Outdoor Learning Day so year 6 took the opportunity to continue their learning about animal and their habitats in our outdoor environment. The class have been learning about classification keys in science so we used a key to identify different invertebrates. We looked at where the animals were found to identify the preferred living conditions of them.

Please send in any photographs of any other invertebrates that you find at home year 6. 

