School Blog

Sponsored walk

Year 3 had an amazing time on their sponsored walk this morning. The really enjoyed learning about the local history. A massive THANK YOU to Mrs Higham for organising it and to our guide Jessica. 

Local History sponsored walk

A massive thank you to all who joined in, sponsored pupils and helped out with our Local History Sponsored Walk which raised an amazing £2,113.95. Thank you so much.

Handwriting Winners Summer 1

A huge well done to our handwriting winners this half term. I am so impressed with the standard of writing which is now proudly on display outside Mrs Parker's room. 

Please have a look at some of their incredible work. I hope you enjoy using using your new handwriting pencil. 

Y6 Sponsored Walk to Gorse Hall

We had a wonderful morning walking around and learning the history of Gorse hall. We are very proud of our tour leader Reuben who confidently shared some facts with the class as we walked around. Thank you to all of our parent helpers too. We completed the walk in 45 minutes and have raised lots of money for school funds. 

Y6 Star of the week 27-5-22

Well done to our superstars in Y6 this week.

Joshua and Scarlett produced some outstanding artwork in the style of Andy warhol. Their work is proudly displayed on our class art wall. 

Reuben won the Handwriitng Award in Y6- his work is always presented to the highest level.

Ava is our Vocab Ninja winner- her story writing uses considered, ambitious language.

Lucea and Matilda won the good to be green ward this week. 

Year 6 Art

Year 6 have researched different artists who use printing, particularly Andy Warhol and Piet Mondrian.

Yesterday we had an art day to produce some of our own prints using inks. Please have a look at our artwork. It is really stunning!

Well done!

Well done to this weeks Head-teacher and Good to be Green awards! Thank you for putting in 100% effort into your work/behaviour. Well done to everybody for all your hard work with home learning and SAT's preparation. You have done everybody proud! 

Friday Awards

Congratulations to the children who have been awarded Head Teachers', Vocabulary Ninja, Handwriting certificates and Good to Be Green Pencils this week. Well done to all Year 3 children for their hard work this half term. Have a lovely break!

Year 4 Sponsored Walk.

What an exceptional time Year 4 had on their sponsored walk. We raise £232:00 as a class and completed the walk in 45 minutes. Thank you to all the parents who helped out too. Well done everyone!
