School Blog

Hot or Cold?

Our topic in Summer 1 is called Hot or Cold? We will be learning all about the differences between hot and cold countries and will be looking at where they are on a globe. There are lots of exciting things to look forward to including a video call with a South Pole explorer. For more information about everything we are covering this half term, see the topic web attached. 

Year 6 Topic information Summer 1

This term our topic question is 'Skellig: is it a bird or mythical creature?' We will read David Almond's 'Skellig' and look at how animals and plants are classified scientifically. We will link this to our geography learning looking at how animals and plants are adapted to live in desert conditions.


Please see the attached overview of our topics this term. Also find the home learning grid for additional activities which can be completed at home. 

Can you survive in the woods?

This half term we are exploring the question Can you survive in the woods? We will be exploring a variety of traditional fairy tales, in particular Little Red Riding Hood. The children will then write their own twisted version of Little Red Riding Hood. We will be designing waterproof shelters, building and evaluating their effectiveness. We will also be going on a nature walk in our local community (Gorse Hall) and printing with leaves to create decorative patterns and works of art that capture the beauty of nature.

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to all of Year 5 Award winners over the past two weeks!  We are proud that Year 5 have received Headteacher's awards, Good to be Green, Vocabulary Ninja, Handwriting and Bronze awards, as well as Attendance certificates and awards achieved outside of school.  Brilliant efforts everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 Anglo Saxon "Haka" War Dance Creations!

Year 5 enjoyed creating their Anglo Saxon "Haka" style war dances yesterday!   A haka is a ceremonial Māori war dance or challenge. Haka are usually performed in a group and represent a display of a tribe's pride, strength and unity!   They were all fantastic!    Mrs Blomeley 

Easter Fun

Year 3 children enjoyed Easter crafts today. They made Easter cards and chocolate nests which they put in hand made paper baskets.

This week's award winners are ...

Congratulations to Year 3 who have received Head Teacher's Awards, Good to be Green and Attendence Awards this week. 

Well done to all Year 3 for working really hard this half term. Enjoy your well deserved break. Happy Holidays! 
