School Blog


Today, we have celebrated a number of achievements... Well done to the children who received the following awards: Head-teachers, Good to be Green, Attendance, Star Points and Sports awards. Well done everybody! Have a lovely Easter break!

Anglo Saxon Weaving in Year 5!

As part of their Anglo Saxon topic, Year 5 learnt how to weave!  They had to concentrate to make sure the wool was threaded the right way but the class enjoyed watching their creations grow!  They even asked to arrange a lunchtime weaving class!  Watch this space!  Mrs Blomeley

Anglo Saxon Day - "CHARGE!"

Year 5 put their shields, swords and helmets to the test yesterday!  When it stopped raining for ten minutes, they re-enacted a battle between different tribes of the Anglo Saxons!  They were extremely sensible and safe but had the best time ever, chanting and charging along with their weapons!  What a great time they had!  Mrs Blomeley

Science Challenge: what could this be?

I would like you to use your scientific observational skills to look at the image. What could it be? What does it make you think of? 

Can you describe the colours, textures and shapes that you can see? 

If you think you can guess what the image may be please come and let me know or tell your class teacher. 

I will the reveal the answer soon in an assembly...

Miss Harvey

Handwriting Awards Spring 2 2022

We are really impressed with our Handwriting Award winners this term. These children have shown overall great handwriting and presentation or a real improvment in their handwriting recently.

Our winners are: Meghan in Nursery, __ in Reception, __ in Year 1, Amelia in Y2, Flynn in Y3, James in Y4, Alfie in Y5 and Sophie in Y6.

Please have a look at their fantastic work which is proudly displayed at the entrance to school. 

Year 3 Singing Polish Easter Song

Year 3 children have been learnig about Easter celebrations in Poland and how to say Happy Easter in Polish. They liked Easter Monday (also known as Wet Monday or Smingus Dyngus) custom of pouring water at people so don't be surprised if you get wet on Monday! 

Polish Easter Song

Year 5 children learnt about Easter traditions in Poland. The found Easter Monday (also know as Wet Monday or Smingus Dyngus) tradition of pouring water on one another especially interesting. The have enjoyed learning a Polish Easter song and would like to wish everybody Wesolych Swat Wielkanocnych (Happy Easter). 

Sports Ambassadors lead a PE lesson

Well done to the Year 6 Sports Ambassadors who planned and delivered a PE lesson to the class this week. They planned a warm up and a competitive game for the whole class to join in.

It was lovely to see your leadershiip skills. 
