School Blog

Finding a half

Yesterday in Math, we explored finding a half of a variety of 2D shapes. Well done everybody.

Under the Sea activities at Tameside Libraries

Join Tameside Libraries this Easter for a free, fun half term activity with an Under the Sea theme. There'll be a craft, game and treasure hunt. Aimed at children aged 4-10 and their parents and carers. Numbers are limited to help with social distancing and Covid safety. All places must be booked in advance.



Super Y4 Polish

Here is a little message from Year 4. They have been loving our Easter songs in Polish. Have a listen and have a happy Easter. 

Easter Eggstravaganza

There were so many eggcellent egg entries today for our Easter competition. Well done to everyone who made a bonnet or an egg creation. I was very impressed by them all. Congratulations to all our winners, enjoy your Easter egg prize. 


Well done to all the children who entered the Easter Egg competition today. Your egg designs and Easter bonnets looked fantatsic! You have all worked super hard on these at home. Congratulations to our Lily and Max who won from Year 2!  Thank you parents for your continued support. 

Eggstactic Easter Competition

It's not Easter without Easter bonnets and decorative Egg competition at Broadbent Fold.

Eggstremelly hard to choose 2 winners with such high standards, children (and parents) hard worked so hard.

We are now ready for Easter.

Praise Pathway

This fabulous idea taken from Muddy Church webpage promotes for Palm Sunday creating a Positive Pathway.

Imagine walking past this on a driveway.

Everyone can benefit from hearing and seeing positive messages.

At home can children create their own positive pathway? Can they share it with their class teachers on our learning platform Seesaw? 

Y4 Growth

Year 4 have learnt so much about germination by watching their broad beans grow. They potted them in British Science week only in a plastic bottle with tissue paper and watered them. Since then they have observed 20 days of growth. Initially, the root started to sprout and by day 6 there were signs of the shoot appearing. Year 4 have been fascinated by the roots spouting and how it kept multiplying and branching off. As the days went on, Year 4 observed the shoot really growing and by day 16 some of our little broad breans had started to grow leaves.

Broadbent Fold vs Arlies

Broadbent Fold had a great game against Arlies Primary School winning the match 5-0. Charley was the player of the match due to her fantastic goal keeping skills and for her great team spirit. Well done to Arlies who were a great opponent and have improved a lot since the last match we had against them. 
