School Blog

Super Science

What a fabulous experiment today in science. As you can see the children were able to find lots of electrical conductors in the classroom and were able to sort their results into a venn diagram. Some children were even able to predict whether an object would be an insulator or conductor before they tested them too. 

Super Masked Creations

Look at our amazing homework creations. The children were tasked with designing and making a disguised cake which look fantastic. Well done Year 4. 

Y6 Star of the week 11-2-22

This weeks Stars of the Week are Ellie and Jessica. They worked collaboratively to research and make a Powerpoint Presentation about E-Safety. This was informative and interactive with a quiz. They performed it confidently to the class.

Jessica has also won the good to be green award along with Roban. They are great role models in the class.

Conner won an award for taking part in the bowling competition this week.

Bobby and Charlie won their Bronze Awards.

Niamh, Tilly, Ellie, Brooke and Sophie have won their Silver Awards. 

Well done to all of you!!

Mental Health Week

This year Mental Health Week's focus was Growing Together. In Year 3 we discussed what it means to grow emotionally and how we can help each other to grow. We talked about different emotions and how to deal with them. We designed 'Grow your brain' posters that will be part of our PSHE display encouraging growing positive thoughts in the garden of our mind. We also made coping tools spinners to remind us of strategies to deal with different feelings. 

Safer Internet Day 2022

Year 6 have explored Safer Internet Day this week looking at facts and tips for staying safe online. We looked in particular at being respectful online and the effects of cyberbullying. The children made posters or Powerpoint Presentations which they presented to their peers. These were informative and often interactive.

Well done year 6. 

Super Science

Today we have been learning about soil. We looked at soil layers, talked about what you would find in each layer and created a soil profile. 

It's Friday Awards Again

Congratulations to the children who have received the Head Teacher's Award this week for their hard work and attitude to learning. Well done to our Good to be Green raffle winners. There was also a special certificate for a fantastic online safety poster!
