School Blog

Fabulous Year 4

A massive congratulations to Oliver and Sophia who gained the merit awards this week for their fabulous mystery creations and improvements in maths. Further congratulations go to Reiss and Isabelike for earning the Good To Be Green pencils. Well done everyone. 

What an explosive week!

Year 3 have had a truly explosive week, starting off with sharing their home made models of volcanoes. The models are fabulous lots of support from parents.

Children have learnt all about volcanoes in their Geography lessons. They have even wrote their own acrostic poems.

As an art focus they've created collages of volcanoes and used oil pastels to draw volcanoes.


DT wizards

Year 4 were really creative today when they made their very own crispy cake monster. They'd designed their creature last week and today they got to make and decorate a marshmallow crispy cake design but molding and rolling out sugared icing. They will be evaluating how effective their models and seeing where they would have liked to improve them. Lots of fun was had by all!

Year 5 and 6 Dodgeball Competition

Year 5 and 6 pupils represented Broadbent Fold at the dodgeball competition this week. The Year 5 and 6 teams played against Arlies, Greenside, Holden Clough, Pinfold and Manchester Road primary schools. A big well done to everyone who took part! Pupils got much more confident as the tournament went on and got a lot more stuck in working really well as a team and encouraging each other. 

A special mention to Xander who won the schools games respect award for showing great respect to his team mates, the opposiing team and the referees in all of the matches. 

Stars of the week 21st January

Year 1 have had another busy week and have worked really hard.

Well done to Tilly and Austin who got the good to be green pencils for always being kind and setting a good example to others.

Congratulations to Evan who got the headteachers award for brilliant contributions in English this week and to Matilda who got hers for being a fantastic role model to others.

A big well done to Reeva and Lily who have earnt their silver awards for getting 100 star points.

Y6 Star of the week 21-1-22

Congratulations to our Y6 Stars this week.

Cameron really impressed me in his extra maths booster lesson after school this week. He confidently worked on dividing numbers representing his answers as a decimal- this is not easy but you made it look like it was!

Annabelle is a delightful young lady who contributes to all lessons with confidence and enthusiasm.

Our Good to be Green winners are Matilda and Laura. Well done for following our school values this week. 

Philosophy For Children in Y6

Year 6 have really impressed us this term in our Philosophy For Children (P4C) lessons. We have started the sessions looking at identity and what it means to be human. Over the next few weeks we will move on to look at extremism and terrorism. The children have been mature, respectful and sensitive in discussing such important topics. During the sessions, the children have had  the opportunity to choose their own lines of enquiry to discuss and debate.

Year 3 stars of the week

It has been another busy week in Year 3. Congratulations to the children who followed our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe! A big well done to the children who received the Head Teacher's Award for excellent work in class. 
