School Blog

Who are the Ancient Greeks?

A Groovy Greek way to start the term, children learnt about Greek art by looking at vases, they sketched and designed their own vases.

Using clay they made their own pots just like the Ancient Greek people would have done.

Using kiddle is a fabulous child safe way to learn about history online.


Team Activities

What fabulous team work skills Year 5 have. This afternoon we've been working together completing parachute games and putting our trust in each other when blindfolded. We had lots of fun and worked co-operatively. 

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

Hello Everyone,

We are going to have an amazing half term in Nursery! We are learning about the Seaside and all things that live under the sea. We are hoping to have a very special visit from the rockpool company and the the ice cream van!

Please click on read more for the medium term plan.

Mrs Tennant

Oh I do like to be beside the Seaside

What a fabulous final half term we have to look forward to in Reception!  We are learning all about the Seaside and will hopefully have a rockpool coming to visit school and an ice cream van!

Please see below for the full medium term plan.

Mrs Kleban

Our assembly with Gary from Holy Trinity Church

In our class bubbles we welcomed Gary from Holy Trinity Church. He enthusiastically spoke about how Bible stories link to being together and how important our family and friends are. We can all be good friends. This assembly gave us time to reflect on what we are grateful for. 

We look forward to welcoming Gary into our school for future assemblies. 

Greek Feast

What a yummy way to start our Ancient Greece topic. We tasted some traditional Greek food including feta cheese, olives, pita bread with tzatziki, figs and Greek yoghurt with honey. 

Summer 2 Homework Menu

I have been impressed with how much effort everyone has been putting into their homework over the year. Lets see if everyone can get a certificate this half term; remember you get a bronze award for completing 4 pieces, a silver award for 6 pieces and a gold award for all 8 pieces. The homework menu is attached below. Phonics activities will continue to be set every Friday on Education City. 

Tremendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home?

This half term, our topic is called 'Tremendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home?' where we will be learning all about different toys and how things have changed since our grandparents were little. We have lots of exciting things happening this half term including martial arts, making our own wooden toys, sports day and much much more! For more information about what we will be covering see the attached document. 

Year 4 Topic information for Summer Term 2

Year 4's topic for Summer Term 2 is"Where would you time travel to?"  During our topic, we will delve into the fascinating civilisation of the Ancient Egyptians and write our own time travel adventure stories.  We will also create our own time travel objects to feature in our stories, which we will share with our audience - the lovely children from Year 3!  The plan is below, together with the Home Learning Grid for anyone who has to isolate, or for those who want to do extra work at  home.  Mrs Blomeley
