School Blog

Year 1 and 2 Euros Football Tournament

Year 1 and 2 showed great sportsmanship in their football tournament. They showed great teamwork and scored lots of goals. Great Britain and Portugal won winning 3 of their matches, Brazil came a close 2nd winining matches and China and Argentina 3rd winning 1 of their matches. 

Tokyo Olympic Themed Dinner

To fit in with our Sports Week, the children had the chance to have a Japanese inspired Olympic themed dinner. They could have chicken gyozas, yakitori shredded beef with noodles and beansprouts, tempura vegetables or oriental egg fried rice with spring onions and peas. For desert there was a choice of Tokyo banana, purin or peach jelly and fruit. The children all thoroughly enjoyed their dinner and liked trying something new. Thank you for all the kitchen staff for cooking such a great meal. 

Hug a Tree Game

Y6 enjoyed playing the blindfold Hug a Tree game and working cooperatively to turn over the tarp without standing on the grass!




·         National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) launches new educational game for teaching cyber security at primary schools, clubs and youth organisations

Y6 Star of the week 25-6-21

Well done to Nathan and Adam who have received a Merit certificate today. Both boys have shown their passion and skill during our Sports Week.

Nathan was a force to be reckoned with in the Euros Tournament- in the goals one minute and then tackling in the middle of the pitch. Well done.

Adam has excelled all week. His dedication to improve his own score during the athletics tournament was great to see. He was remarkable in both benchball and football too. 

Nature Lovers

As part of our Arts Award our final activity was a nature walk. How brilliant it was to get out to Gorse Hall on Thursday and the weather was kind as well. I was very impressed by how the children explored the surrounding area using their senses and got stuck into the tasks. Well done Year 5 our project is looking amazing!

Fantastic Footballers

Our girls made me very proud on Thursday when we went off to Curzon Ashton to play in friendly matches against 3 other schools. We won 2 out of our 3 games, scoring a massive 7 goals! I was very proud of them all as their behaviour and team work skills were second to none! Well done girls!

Year 4's Bench Ball tournament!

Sports Week began with a brilliant Bench Ball tournament in Year 4.  Fantastic team work and determination was displayed by all children.  Great Britain were the winners! Well done to everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Olympic Lunch!

For Sports Week, the children enjoyed an Olympic Themed lunch, Japanese style!  On the menu were Chicken Gyozas (Japanese style dumplings filled with chicken and vegetables) Yakitori Shredded Beef with noodles and beansprouts,  Tempura Vegetables (lightly battered sweetcorn, carrots and greenbeans) and Oriental Egg Fried Rice with spring onions and peas.  Thank you to the lunchtime staff for organising the treat - it was delicious!
