School Blog

Summer Fair Fun

Year 3 children had an amazing time at the fair today. They had their nails and faces painted and hair sprayed. They bounced and did summersaults on the bouncy castle. They won lots of prizes. To finish the day off they had yummy ice lollies. What a great day it was! Thank you PTFA for organising it. 

Year 5 Summer Fair Fun

What a brilliant time Year 5 had at our summer fair. A massive thank you to the PTFA for organising everything. It was brilliant! 

Keeping Fit in the Playground !

Our Key Stage 2 Pupil Leaders enjoyed demonstrating the new playground equipment today!  The newly installed apparatus was chosen by last year’s Pupil Leadership Team and is proving extremely popular!  The children think it’s a great way to keep fit whilst having a chat with your friends!

Y6 Star of the week 2-7-21

Well done to our Y6 Stars of the week Charlotte and Lucy who have achieved a Merit Certificate today. 

Charlotte has blown us away with her persuasive letter this week. She has used great vocabulary and effective persuasive techniques throughout. 

Lucy always demonstrates a mature attitude in the class and she has particularly impressed us during our discussions about transition to secondary school.

Aarron has achieved the Headteacher's Award for his positive attitude in school. He remains a superb role model in the class.

Congratulations to all of you. 

Super Science

Year 5 had a fabulous time when they made parachutes to test air resistance. Some used different materials, other groups make parachutes of different sizes. The best of all were the plastic ones as they caught the breeze and flew for ages. 

Olympic Torch

The Olympic Torch arrived last week as we took part in Tameside's baton relay. Our Sports Ambassadors ran through school with the London 2012 torch and they were joined by a special mascot!

It was a fabulous end to our Sports Week.

Year 3 learning about resilience

Amazing work on resilience - Year 3 are showing such skills and being resilient especially over the last year during lockdowns,  when they couldn't see friends and family. 

We are so proud of them. 

Mrs Slate & Miss Laitl

Y5 Anglo-Saxon Day

What a brilliant day Year 5 have had with our living history day. We have learnt so much and seen so many artefacts. We've played ship and food games, completed a shield wall. We've found out about death and buiral and weapons and armour. It's been absolutely brilliant. 
