School Blog

Home Learning 28th June

We are back into isolation this week due to a case of COVID-19. This means that we are back to doing Zoom sessions - there will be 2 Zoom sessions everyday apart from today where there will just be the 1. I have attached the home learning for this week. I understand that some of you will still be working and will not be able to complete all of the learning set, just try to do a little bit with your child everyday. I cannot wait to see all the things you get up to, please send them to me on Seesaw. Any questions, don't be afraid to get in touch.

Year 4 Certificates!

We closed the end of our busy Sports Week with awards!  Merits and Certificates for outstanding contributions to Sports Week, as well as Silver Awards and Good to be Green Awards, were handed to the happy recipients.  A special well done to Kasia, who also won the Sports Trophy for the week, as well as achieving her Gold Award.  We even got a glimpse of the Olympic Torch, before some of our  Year 6 children and Mrs Parker delivered it to Rayner Stephens. You are all amazing Year 4!  Well done to everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4's Tokyo Olympic Dance Workshop!

The Dance Workshop this week, delivered by Onya from the West End in Schools Theatre Company, was brilliant!  The class loved creating dances for the Olympic opening ceremony!  They used their imaginations and talent to produce a real spectacle of dance!  Well done Year 4!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4 - Athletics Tournament!

The Athletics Tournament was a great success this week!  Sprinting, Javelin, Speed Bounce, Long Jump and Hurdles!  All in one day!  I was exhausted just watching them!  Here are some photographs of the children's brilliant hurdling skills!   Mrs Blomeley

Year 4 - Fantastic Football Tournament!

Year 4 showed off their football skills in the Sports Week tournament this week!  More importantly, they demontrated excellent teamwork and showed great respect for the other teams.  It was a close call; Argentina were the tournament winners in Year 4 with three wins.  Fantastic work Year 4.  Mrs Blomeley

Spellings Summer term

Year 3 spelling activities

Attached are a copy of spellings - group 1 and group 2 (the attached are for several weeks NOT to be done all at once)

Each week, starting from 12th May, one paper spelling task will be given out each for children to complete at home and to return to school. This task will be stuck into their spelling homework book.

If children are isolating then the spelling activities can be copied into paper and completed- no need to print.

Mrs Slate & Miss Laitl 

Who were the Ancient Greeks?

During the last half term of the year, Year 3 children will learn about Greece and Ancient Greeks, the Medium Term Plan attached provides an overview of the learning we have planned. If children would like to do some research about the Ancient Greeks and share this on our learning platform Seesaw, we would love to see it.

If children are isolating at home then please complete some of the activities on our Home Learning Grid (see attached).

Weekly Home Learning:

*Regular reading

*spellling activites will be sent (Wednesday)

Tokyo Olympic Dance Workshop

Year 1 enjoyed the Tokyo Olympic Dance Workshop today where they learnt a dance to some Japanese music which incorporated movements from lots of the different sports we will see at the Summer Olympics. 

Year 1 and 2 Athletics Competition

Year 1 and 2 really impressed everyone in their athletics competition this week. They took part in sprinting, hurdles, throwing, long jump and speed bounce events.  A big well done to everybody! 

Musical Instruments

Recption had fun making musical instruments for their orchestra.  They used natural materials that they found amongst the trees.
